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History of Russia: Exhibition "Suvorov Begins" opened in Saint-Petersburg

19 June 2021
On June 17, 2021, the Suvorov State Memorial Museum launched the exhibition "Suvorov Begins", dedicated to the first steps of the future Generalissimo in the military field. This period of Alexander Suvorov's life is connected with numerous legends. This exposition will help to expose or confirm them.
открытие выставки «Суворов. Начало пути», посвящённой первым шагам будущего генералиссимуса...) состоялось открытие выставки «Суворов. Начало пути», посвящённой первым шагам будущего генералиссимуса

World History and Culture: State Hermitage Museum opened "The Iron Age. Europe without Borders" exhibition

16 November 2020
On November 11, 2020, the State Hermitage Museum opened the exhibition "The Iron Age. Europe without Borders" within the Year of Germany in Russia 2020/2021. It is an extensive international scientific project and the next step in the cooperation between Russian and German museums.
очередным шагом в области сотрудничества между музеями России и Германии. На экспозиции в Манеже Малого... очередным шагом в области сотрудничества между музеями России и Германии.

World memory: Satirical engravings of the Napoleon era are presented at the Literary Museum in Moscow

29 August 2012
Satirical engravings of 1812-1814 on the Napoleonic Wars are presented at the exhibition “From the sublime to the ridiculous one step ...” which opens in the Metropolitan State Literary Museum on August 29, 2012 to the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812.  
«От великого до смешного один шаг...», которая открывается в столичном Государственном Литературном музее 29... «От великого до смешного один шаг...», которая открывается в столичном Государственном Литературном музее

Director of the branch of the Presidential Library in Tyumen Region took part in the conference and negotiations in the Chechen Republic

30 April 2019
On April 29-30, 2019 a regional conference “We are for Russia that reads: five steps to a reading school” was held in Grozny, organized by the Association of Russian School Librarians with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chechen Republic. The director of the Presidential Library branch in Tyumen Region, O. L. Shor, made a presentation on the educational potential of the Presidential Library as part of this event.
: пять шагов к читающей школе», организованная Ассоциацией школьных библиотекарей русского мира (РШБА...: пять шагов к читающей школе», организованная Ассоциацией школьных библиотекарей русского мира

Museums of Russia: Sheremetev Palace in St. Petersburg mounts a new permanent exposition “Symphony Orchestra”

3 April 2019
The Sheremetev Palace, which houses the largest collection of musical instruments in Russia, has been working for several years to create a fully fledged large music museum within its walls. One of the major steps in this direction was the creation of a new permanent exposition under the title “Symphony Orchestra” in one of the recently renovated halls. The exposition is opening on April 3, 2019. The bright, modern multimedia exposition spotlights the main European musical instrument - the...
шагов на этом пути стало рождение в одном из недавно отреставрированных залов новой постоянной... шагов на этом пути стало рождение в одном из недавно отреставрированных залов новой постоянной

The history of the discovery and exploration of Alaska in the Presidential Library’s collections

30 March 2019
March 30, 1867 the Russian Empire signed an agreement on the sale of Alaska to the United States of America. Emperor Alexander II decided to take such a step for both geopolitical and financial reasons. During the fighting in the Far East during the Crimean War, it became obvious that the costs of maintaining and protecting such a remote and therefore vulnerable territory are too great.
. Пойти на такой шаг император Александр II решился как по геополитической, так и финансовой причине... Америки. Пойти на такой шаг император Александр II решился как по геополитической, так и финансовой

N. A. Nekrasov in the Presidential Library's electronic materials

10 December 2018
"My dear mother, accept this weak work and say if it suits you somewhere". These poems are the first steps in the world of letters of the future great poet, writer, journalist and publisher Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. December 10, 2018 marks the 197th anniversary of the birth of the Russian classic. The Presidential Library’s collections feature various materials devoted to him: these are rare editions, critical articles, studies, documentaries, etc.
строки – первые шаги на литературном поприще будущего великого поэта, писателя, журналиста...». Эти стихотворные строки – первые шаги на литературном поприще будущего великого поэта, писателя, журналиста

World history: German-Polish project aims to save cultural heritage of Pomerania

11 October 2011
Librarians from Szczecin (Poland) and the University of Greifswald (Germany) have concentrated their efforts in order to preserve old historical newspapers of Pomerania. October 10 - 14 2011, in Greifswald is running a workshop which has brought together the staff members of Pomeranian State Library and the University of Greifswald library. Participants of the workshop will discuss the first results of joint activities and further steps for digitization of newspapers of Pomerania.  
шаги по оцифровке газетных изданий Померании. Около 500 наименований газетных изданий Померании... и дальнейшие шаги по оцифровке газетных изданий Померании.

The history of Russian submarine fleet displayed at the Presidential Library

30 July 2019
July 26, 2019, on the eve of the Russia’s Navy Day, the Presidential Library hosts a multimedia exhibition, displaying the first steps of the submarine fleet in the Russian Empire. The electronic exposition organized by the A. I. Marinesko Museum of the History of Russian Submarine Forces and the Presidential Library, will be available until August 9, 2019.
работу мультимедийная выставка, которая рассказывает о первых шагах подводного флота в Российской... современной подводной лодки. Экспозиция шаг за шагом рассказывает о развитии и становлении подводного... начала работу мультимедийная выставка, которая рассказывает о первых шагах подводного флота

Interregional web quest marking the 80th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad launched in Penza

2 February 2023
Specialists of the Lermontov Penza Regional Library held a web quest "Stalingrad: not a step back" marking the 80th anniversary of the defeat of the Nazi troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad. Everyone is invited to participate in the event. It starts on February 2, 2023. The web quest is held with the information support of the Presidential Library.
«Сталинград: ни шагу назад», посвящённый 80-летию разгрома советскими войсками немецко-фашистских войск... «Сталинград: ни шагу назад», посвящённый 80-летию разгрома советскими войсками немецко-фашистских войск

Suvorov's disciple who defeated Napoleon. The Presidential Library's materials illustrate the protean talent of Mikhail Kutuzov

16 September 2020
Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov, the future great commander, the victor of Napoleon and a talented diplomat, was born in Saint-Petersburg on September 16 (September 5, old style), 1745 (according to other sources, 1747). The special collection "Patriotic War of 1812" of the Presidential Library pays special attention to the field marshal. It features lots of little-known materials about his life and military victories.
решиться на этот шаг, чем дать врагу бой под стенами столицы, – как того требовали царь, общество..., обороны отчаянней, чем Измаил. Только раз в жизни можно пускать на такой штурм», – говорил Суворов

The Presidential Library electronic collection will tell about Pyotr Arkadievich Stolypin in civil service and in the family

14 April 2018
April 14 (April 3 in the Julian calendar) 2018 marks 156th anniversary of the birth of Pyotr Arkadievich Stolypin, one of the largest statesmen of Russia at the end of the XIX and early XX century, which had a great influence on the development of the Russian state. He is devoted to a separate electronic collection on the portal of the Presidential Library, which includes a large number of various materials, thanks to which the reader has the opportunity to get familiar with the personality of...
и, конечно же, исследовать его государственную деятельность, начиная с самых первых шагов службы на благо... и, конечно же, исследовать его государственную деятельность, начиная с самых первых шагов службы на благо России.

Memorable dates of Russia: Exhibition “Century for the Eternal”, marking the centenary of Grabar Restoration Center, is opening in Moscow

21 September 2018
On June 10, 2018 the Grabar Center (the All-Russian Research and Restoration Center), the oldest restoration institution in Russia, marked the centenary of its foundation. Founded shortly after the revolution the center not only contributed greatly towards preservation of many works of art, but also laid the foundations for the Russian research restoration school. In the course of the year of its anniversary the center is highlighting important milestones of its century-long history and is...
после революции стало не только важным шагом к спасению многих памятников искусства, но и заложило... после революции стало не только важным шагом к спасению многих памятников искусства, но и заложило

Peter I: "If only Russia, its glory and welfare would live forever". The Presidential Library’s collections highlight the Battle of Poltava

9 July 2019
July 2019 marks 310 years of the Battle of Poltava, which predetermined the outcome of the Northern War between Russia and Sweden for the access of our fatherland to the Baltic Sea.
невежестве». И Пётр решился на смелый шаг: отнять у шведов берега Балтийского моря... незабвенного дня обе армии в грозном безмолвии двинулись друг против друга, и закипел отчаянный

“The whole of Belorussia will be free soon!”: The Presidential Library highlights the 75th anniversary of Operation Bagration

23 June 2019
One of the largest offensive operations of the Soviet Army against the forces of Nazi Germany called ‘Bagration’ was launched 75 years ago - on June 23, 1944. Belorussia, Eastern Poland and part of the Baltics were completely liberated as a result of the operation. It put an end to Hitler’s plans to conquer the USSR and strengthened the belief of our people that they were close to victory.
войска завершили ликвидацию окружённой группировки противника... Ввиду отчаянного сопротивления, большая... дни для белорусского народа. С каждым шагом продвижения Красной Армии на запад освобождается родная
