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Mysteries of Tehran-43 and Yalta-45 disclosed at an exhibition in the Presidential Library

28 November 2018
The Presidential Library’s exhibition makes available issues on big event happened in the life of Winston Churchill in Tehran in 1943; the allies Stalin invited to the building of the Soviet Embassy in Iran; what dishes of Russian cuisine the English and Americans especially liked during the conference in Yalta in 1945. On November 28, 2018, the exposition “Eureka” and “Ostrov”: Teheran-43 and Yalta-45 began are opened in the building on Senate Square. The history of landmark decisions”, timed...
начала работу экспозиция «„Эврика“ и „Остров“: Тегеран-43 и Ялта-45. История судьбоносных решений... начала работу экспозиция «„Эврика“ и „Остров“: Тегеран-43 и Ялта-45. История судьбоносных решений

Tehran-43 and Yalta-45: details of watershed meetings of the leaders of the three powers are exhibited at the Presidential Library

28 November 2018 – 11 January 2019
The details of the two landmark meetings of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill, who determined the outcome of World War II and the post-war structure of the world, are available today at the new exhibition in the Presidential Library. November 28, 2018 at 15:00 in the building on Senate Square, 3 will be held the grand opening of the exhibition ""Eureka "and "Ostrov": Tehran-43 and Yalta-45. The story of landmark decisions, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Tehran Conference.
выставке «„Эврика“ и „Остров“: Тегеран-43 и Ялта-45. История судьбоносных решений», приуроченной к 75... выставке «„Эврика“ и „Остров“: Тегеран-43 и Ялта-45. История судьбоносных решений», приуроченной

Russia in the Foreign Trade: Past and Present

30 June 2017
December 1, 2012, for the first time in history, the Russian Federation took over the G20 presidency - the leading forum for international cooperation on the most important aspects of the international economic and financial agenda. One of the priorities of Russia’s G20 presidency is to strengthen multilateral cooperation to find global solutions to the current economic challenges and risks. Establishing mutually favorable foreign trade regimes is in the common interest of the G20 countries and...
решений для существующих экономических проблем и рисков. Установление взаимно благоприятствующих... сотрудничества в целях поиска глобальных решений для существующих экономических проблем и рисков. Установление

The Presidential Library’s virtual tour to illustrate historical meetings of the leaders of the USSR, the USA and Great Britain

4 February 2021
The Presidential Library provides access to a virtual tour of the exhibition "Eureka" and "The Island": Tehran-43 and Yalta-45. History of Landmark Decisions” illustrating two historical meetings of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill, which determined the outcome of World War II and the post-war structure of the world.
": Тегеран-­43 и Ялта­-45. История судьбоносных решений», работавшей в Президентской библиотеке. «Эврика...": Тегеран-43 и Ялта-45. История судьбоносных решений», работавшей в Президентской библиотеке.

Internet and Law: Amendments introduced to certain RF legislative acts regarding Internet

7 July 2011
Russian senators have introduced amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in view of adoption of the Federal Law “On Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information".  
Российские сенаторы внесли изменения в отдельные законодательные акты РФ в связи с принятием... в связи с принятием Федерального закона «Об информации, информационных технологиях и о защите...Российские сенаторы внесли изменения в отдельные законодательные акты РФ в связи с принятием

Libraries of Russia: Tyumen announced the library capital of Russia 2011

8 December 2010
Following decisions of the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the Russian Library Association (RBA) in 2011 Tyumen is called the library capital of Russia picking up the baton from Tomsk.
По решению министерства культуры РФ и Российской библиотечной ассоциация (РБА) в 2011 году Тюмень...По решению министерства культуры РФ и Российской библиотечной ассоциация (РБА) в 2011 году Тюмень объявлена библиотечной столицей России.
