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Russian regions: A series of exhibitions started on excavation site in Kaliningrad

11 July 2013
The exhibition project “City-window” presented a series of one-day exhibitions of exhibits from the collections of the Kaliningrad Regional Historical and Art Museum, started on July 10 on the territory of observation deck of archaeological excavations “Royal Castle” in Kaliningrad; up to August 29 here will be presented eight expositions.
представлено восемь экспозиций. "Посетители познакомятся с самыми интересными экспонатами из фондов... смотровой площадки археологических раскопок "Королевский замок" в Калининграде; до 29 августа здесь будет представлено восемь экспозиций.

Internet and Russian regions: Panorama of cities of the “Golden Ring of Russia” available online

28 February 2013
To look at the sights of the Golden Ring is now possible online. The service “Yandex. Maps” contains panoramas of eight ancient Russian cities: Sergiyev Posad, Vladimir, Suzdal, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl, Rostov Veliky and Pereslvl-Zalessky.
«Яндекс. Карты» стали доступны панорамные снимки восьми старинных русских городов: Сергиева Посада.... На сервисе «Яндекс. Карты» стали доступны панорамные снимки восьми старинных русских городов: Сергиева

Presidential Library’s electronic reading room opened in the oldest university in Kurgan Region

28 February 2021
February 26, 2021 the official opening of the remote electronic reading room of the Presidential Library took place at the Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University. Eight workplaces providing access to the resources of the National Library of the Russian Federation appeared within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement between the Presidential Library and Shadrinsk University, signed in 2020.
официальное открытие удалённого электронного читального зала Президентской библиотеки. Восемь рабочих мест... официальное открытие удалённого электронного читального зала Президентской библиотеки. Восемь рабочих мест

The first private pharmacies in Russia was opened by Decree of Peter I

3 December 1701
On November 22 (December 3) 1701 Peter I issued the highest Decree which stipulated foundation of eight private pharmacies (chemist’s) in Moscow. New pharmacies were released from military billeting, while pharmacists — from military duty and paying taxes.  
восемь «вольных» аптек — так в России появились первые частные аптеки. Новые аптеки освобождались... в Москве восемь «вольных» аптек — так в России появились первые частные аптеки. Новые аптеки

Murder of members of the Imperial House of Romanov near Alapaevsk

18 July 1918
The day after the execution of the royal family in Yekaterinburg, on the night of July 18, 1918, local representatives of the Soviet government carried out an extrajudicial massacre at the Nizhnyaya Selimskaya mine near Alapaevsk (now the Sverdlovsk region). The victims were eight members of the Romanov imperial family and their associates.
и близких к ним людей, жертвами которой стало восемь человек. Ввиду наступления германской армии... Романовых и близких к ним людей, жертвами которой стало восемь человек.

Internet and society: Internet project “Arctic” was launched to the 20th anniversary of the Arctic Council

22 September 2016
Special project "Arctic" was launched on the portal "Kultura.RF". The opening of a special project is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Arctic Council. September 19, 1996 eight northern states banded together to preserve the unique nature and maintain the peoples of the North.
к 20-летию создания Арктического совета. 19 сентября 1996 года восемь северных государств... приурочено к 20-летию создания Арктического совета. 19 сентября 1996 года восемь северных государств

Marking the 350th anniversary of Peter the Great: The exhibition “Conqueror of Lightning and Waves” presented in Kaliningrad

29 August 2022
The State Tretyakov Gallery presents the exhibition Conqueror of Lightning and Waves in the Kaliningrad History and Art Museum, marking the 350th anniversary since the birth of Peter I (1672–1725). The exhibition is based on thirty eight paintings, graphics and sculptures from the collections of the gallery that tell about the famous deeds of the first Russian emperor: gaining access to the Baltic Sea, establishment of the Russian fleet, as well as the history of sea and land battles.
). Основу выставки составляют тридцать восемь произведений живописи, графики и скульптуры из коллекции...). Основу выставки составляют тридцать восемь произведений живописи, графики и скульптуры

Internet and History of Moscow: Department of Moscow Cultural Heritage launched virtual lectures

4 April 2020
Department of Moscow Cultural Heritage provides virtual lectures about Moscow Art Nouveau style, creation of the open-air archaeological museums, common features of the Russian Vkhutemas ("Higher Art and Technical Studios") and German Bauhaus schools of architecture and design. Eight informative lectures lasting from 35 minutes to 2 hours are available on the institution’s Youtube channel.
в виртуальном лектории Мосгорнаследия. На YouTube-канале ведомства доступно восемь познавательных..., можно в виртуальном лектории Мосгорнаследия. На YouTube-канале ведомства доступно восемь познавательных

History and Culture: The exhibition “On the Wondrous Mountain…”, dedicated to the Trinity Cathedral, presented in Uglich

8 August 2022
The exhibition On the Wondrous Mountain…, presented by the Uglich State History, Architecture and Art Museum, is dedicated to the Trinity Cathedral, located in the Divnaya Gora (Wondrous Mountain) village “eight versts from Uglich”. It tells about the history of construction of the incredible church, uniting in itself various architectural styles, about its exterior and interior, as well as the fate of Divnogorsky poustyn in the XVIII-XXI centuries.
гора, что «в восьми верстах от Углича», и повествует об истории строительства удивительного храма... Дивная гора, что «в восьми верстах от Углича», и повествует об истории строительства удивительного

History and Culture: “Works by Peter Сlodt. Restoration Completed” exhibition opened in the State Hermitage Museum

22 February 2020
On February 22, 2020, “Works by Peter Сlodt. Restoration Completed” exhibition was launched in the Recess of the Eastern Gallery in the Winter Palace (the State Hermitage Museum, Saint-Petersburg).
всего восемь вещей, среди которых уникальные экземпляры кабинетной скульптуры, созданные выдающимся... всего восемь вещей, среди которых уникальные экземпляры кабинетной скульптуры, созданные выдающимся
