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Internet resources: Documentary video and audio of war times became available in the Internet

24 June 2014
June 20 Gosteleradiofond presented a new section of the multimedia portal “Heroic history of Russia in the projects of Gosteleradiofond”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.
уникальную возможность прикоснуться к живой истории. На страницах портала в современных

International conferences: Conference on the issues of the study of Greek and Slavic written sources in St. Petersburg

4 October 2016
October 4-5, 2016 in the main building of the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg) in the framework of cross Year Russia and Greece is held the XI Zagrebin readings - International conference "Byzantium - Balkans – Rus’: crossroads of cultural routes" dedicated to studying Greek and Slavic written sources.
выдающегося писателя и переводчика конца XV – первой половины XVI века Максима Грека являются живой

Society and culture: Midsummer Nights Festival to the 400th anniversary of the Shakespeare’s memory to open in Moscow

21 June 2016
Midsummer Nights Festival is a highlight of Shakespeare Lives, the British Council's global celebration of Shakespeare’s life and work to mark the 400th anniversary of his death.
шекспировских пьес в сопровождении живой музыки. В программу также войдут классическая постановка «Генриха

Internet and Book Culture: Book Fair in Thessaloniki (Greece) launched online

25 November 2020
The Book Fair in Thessaloniki (Greece), as well as many major international fairs this year, takes place online on November 19-29, 2020.
, подготовило «живую» программу в формате zoom с презентацией новых книг и авторов, пишущих на национальных

The film "Children of the Siege of Leningrad" spotlighted at the Presidential Library’s cinema club meeting

29 January 2021
January 29, 2021, at 14:00 the Presidential Library will host the Presidential Library’s cinema club meeting dedicated to the Lychkovskaya tragedy. Event participants will watch the film "Children of the Siege of Leningrad", created within the framework of the Diary of Memory project of the media center of the St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education marking the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
бомбёежке. Доктор педагогических наук, член Совета Общественного движения «Вечно живые» и «Бессмертный

The 100th center of remote access to the resources of the Presidential Library opened in Sverdlovsk Region

6 October 2021
The jubilee remote electronic reading room of the Presidential Library in Sverdlovsk Region is located in Nizhny Tagil based on the pedagogical college №1. Its opening was announced at the traditional March meeting of the Presidential Library’s residents in the Middle Urals. In summer, the preparation and equipment of the hall went on, and on October 4, on the eve of Teacher's Day, the hall was solemnly opened remotely.
, оборудованного по последним требованиям времени и наполненного интересными и живыми событиями. В завершение

Quest on the history of Russian parliamentarism in the Yamal regional center of the Presidential Library

8 October 2021
Specialists of the Yamal Regional Center of the Presidential Library based on the National Library of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area held a quest dedicated to the 115th anniversary of Russian parliamentarism. The first-year students of the Yamal Polar Agroeconomic College became the participants. The event was prepared jointly with representatives of the District Legislative Assembly.
. «Неформальные мероприятия позволяют молодёжи получать знания не из „сухих“ страниц учебников, а в живой

Gymnasiums liberal regulations approved

1 December 1864
On November 19 (December 1), 1864 in Russia were approved “Gymnasiums and pro-gymnasiums regulations”.
представляла собой компромисс между сторонниками классического образования и «живых» знаний

Exhibitions: Works of Konstantin Korovin from the collections of the State Russian Museum presented in Yaroslavl

6 January 2022
The exhibition "Konstantin Korovin" has been opened in the Yaroslavl Art Museum. It includes more than 30 works by an outstanding master of Russian painting at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries from the collections of the State Russian Museum.
живых впечатлений и этюдного материала Константин Коровин в соавторстве с Николаем Клодтом исполнил

International Mother Language Day

21 February 2000
In November 1999, upon the decision of the 30th session of the General UNESCO conference, International Mother Language Day was established with view of defense of the language and cultural diversity. The holiday is celebrated annually on February 21st from the year of 2000.
представляет живое наследие, которое нам следует оберегать». 2010 г. в резолюции Генеральной Ассамблеей ООН

Gallery of St. George's Cavaliers of First World War available on portal of Presidential Library

27 July 2024
110 years ago, on July 28, 1914, the First World War began. This war, which was grand in its scale and consequences, claimed millions of lives and led to the collapse of several empires and the formation of new countries. In pre-revolutionary Russia, this war was known as the Great or Second Patriotic War.
описание. Необходимо живое слово, дабы живое слово передавалось живому поколению... Такая работа.... Не чая быть живым я решил дорого продать свою жизнь. Хотел было пустить в ход винтовку, но второпях

The Presidential Library’s conference spotlighted the upbringing and traditions of Alexander Pushkin’s family

10 February 2023
On February 10, 2023 the Presidential Library hosted the annual conference and webinar "Alexander Pushkin's Memorial Day in the Presidential Library". Marking the Year of the Teacher and Mentor, declared by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, the event was dedicated to the poet's educators and teachers, including his nanny Arina Rodionovna, who would turn 265 years this year.
бы Пушкину, если бы он остался жив. Федеральные инновационные проекты, созданные в память о русском

Libraries abroad: Library Week 2010 launched in New Zealand

17 August 2010
On 16th August Library Week 2010 officially launched in Wellington with the presentation of the LIANZA Children's Book Awards.
, чтобы отметить Living Heritage («Живое наследие») – онлайн-конкурс, во время которого подростки

History and Culture: Exhibition “175 years of Nizhny Novgorod photography” underway at the Russian Museum of Photography

25 July 2018
The exhibition “175 years of Nizhny Novgorod photography” is underway at the Russian Museum of Photography in Nizhny Novgorod until August 26, 2018. It showcases materials from the Russian Museum of Photography and private collections.
, но и широкие возможности компьютерной обработки изображений. Выставка отражает живую историю нижегородской

The April issue of “Rodina” historical magazine was featured in the Presidential Library

25 April 2017
On April 25, 2017, the Presidential Library hosted the presentation of the April issue of the historical popular science magazine entitled “Rodina” (the native land).
событий, а рассказывают истории живых людей. Он также подчеркнул, что один из главных принципов «Родины

Peoples of the World: The exhibition "Turks, Moors, Tatars - Moslems of Prussia and Germany" in the Kazan Kremlin

29 June 2017
The exhibition "Turks, Moors, Tatars - Moslems of Prussia and Germany" was opened in the Museum-Reserve "Kazan Kremlin".
Османской империи…» Дмитрия Кантемира, редкие литографии и гравюры, а также живые голоса татар-военнопленных Первой и Второй мировых войн.

“The Wilderness of Russia” photography exhibition opened in the Russian Center of Science and Culture in London

12 September 2017
“The Wilderness of Russia” unique photography exhibition opened in the Russian Center of Science and Culture in London. It is timed to the Year of Especially Protected Natural Territories and the Year of Ecology in Russia.
природы (WWF), обладатель награды «Лидеры за живую планету» (Leaders for a Living Planet) Гильда Навиди

World History and Culture: Exhibition of the International project “Miklouho-Maclay. 21st century. Revived History” to be launched in Veliky Novgorod

9 November 2018
On November 9, 2018 the State Art Museum of Novgorod Land is opening an exhibition of the International project “Miklouho-Maclay. 21st century. Revived History”. 
-Маклаем. Выставка живо и эмоционально рассказывает неповторимую историю, связывающую Россию и Папуа

History of St. Petersburg: Siege diary highlights evacuation of Leningrad University to Saratov

26 March 2011
On March 25, 2011 at the lecture hall of the Peter and Paul Cathedral was held a presentation of a new joint edition of the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg and the St. Petersburg State University “All and sundry remained in Leningrad. The diary of 1942-1944. Evacuation of the Leningrad University to Saratov”.  
стороне агитплакатов, на раздобытых обрывках бумаги. Дневник 14-летнего школьника живо рассказывает

World history: The exhibition “Cosmic Crimea: from the gilder to the rocket” opened in Feodosia

6 September 2015
September 5, 2015 in the Feodosia Museum of Antiquities took place the presentation of the exhibition "Cosmic Crimea from the glider to the rocket". The exhibition - the continuation of a large joint exhibition project of the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics (Moscow) and the Crimean museums.
будущие авиационные и космические конструкторы, те, кто впоследствии стал живой легендой и славой

Society and culture: "If You Take after Kin, then You're a Writer..." exhibition dedicated to Alexander Pushkin’s first cousin once removed, in St. Petersburg

4 June 2015
"If You Take after Kin, then You're a Writer..." exhibition, dedicated to Alexander Pushkin’s first cousin once removed, opens on June 4, 2015, in the Western Wing of Derzhavin Museum-Estate (All-Russian Pushkin Museum, St. Petersburg) within the framework of the "Literary Calendar" project.
-Петербурге при участии Я. Г. Брянского. Современники отмечали живой ум А. М. Пушкина, остроумие
