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Writer of world significance F. M. Dostoyevsky — in the electronic collection of the Presidential Library
10 November 2017
November 11, 2017, marks the 196th anniversary of the birth of a classic author of Russian literature and plainly a figure of world significance Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky. Dedicated to a writer and a philosopher electronic collection, which includes digital copies of the texts of his works and the materials about his life and work, are available on the Presidential Library is available.
, ещё внимательнее всматривался в людей, отверженных обществом, и старался отыскать в них ту искру божию, о которой
Anniversary of Aleksey Suvorin, Russian journalist, publisher, theater critic and playwright
23 September 1834
September 11 (23), 1834 in the village of Korshev, Bobrovsky district of Voronezh Province in the family of a former participant of the Battle of Borodino, state peasant, who rose to the rank of captain, was born Russian journalist, publisher, theater critic and playwright Aleksey Suvorin.
», в «Отечественных записках» поместил повесть «Алёнка» и рассказ «Отверженный».
В 1862 г. Алексей Сергеевич