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Internet and Libraries: UC Berkeley Library launched the New Digital Collections Website

16 March 2020
The UC Berkeley Library (The University of California, Berkeley, USA) launched its new Digital Collections website, a gaping portal into the Library’s growing collection of digitized materials.
Библиотека Калифорнийского университета в Беркли (The University of California, Berkeley, USA...Библиотека Калифорнийского университета в Беркли (The University of California, Berkeley, USA

Information technology and culture: The personal collection of Mahatma Gandhi's books is digitized and posted online

5 February 2018
1584 books that Mahatma Gandhi handed over to the MJ Library in Ahmedabad, India, were digitized and uploaded to the Gandhi Heritageportal, The times of India.
), были оцифрованы и загружены на портал Gandhi Heritage, сообщает издание The times of India. Об оцифровке...), были оцифрованы и загружены на портал Gandhi Heritage, сообщает издание The times of India.

Общество и СМИ: «Российская газета» начинает издание информационного приложения о России в Японии

22 June 2011
21 июня 2011 года в свет вышел первый номер зарубежного приложения «Российской газеты» внутри одного из крупнейших изданий Японии The Yomiuri Shimbun, которое входит в пятёрку национальных японских газет.
одного из крупнейших изданий Японии The Yomiuri Shimbun, которое входит в пятёрку национальных японских... одного из крупнейших изданий Японии The Yomiuri Shimbun, которое входит в пятёрку национальных японских газет.

Libraries and Museums of the World: Ten US libraries and museums win the recognition of the Institute of Museum and Library Services

28 October 2011
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has selected five libraries and five museums to receive the 2011 National Medal for Museum and Library Service.
Институт музейного и библиотечного обслуживания США (The Institute of Museum and Library Services...Институт музейного и библиотечного обслуживания США (The Institute of Museum and Library

World Museums: Museum of Art and Archaeology of Oxford opens new Ancient Egypt and Nubia galleries

20 November 2011
On November 26 2011 the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology (Oxford, England) is opening its new galleries of Ancient Egypt and Nubia (present day Sudan) as a part of a major project for museum’s redevelopment and extension.
26 ноября 2011 г. в Музее искусства и археологии Эшмола (The Ashmolean Museum of Art...26 ноября 2011 г. в Музее искусства и археологии Эшмола (The Ashmolean Museum of Art

Electronic libraries: Project to digitize ancient Indian manuscripts

20 February 2011
The national mission for manuscripts, a nationwide project of the Union cultural ministry, has offered to digitise for free more than 28,000 ancient texts (both on paper and palm leaves) at the city's Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute (BORI).
Организация при Министерстве культуры Индии “The National Mission for Manuscripts” собирается... манускриптов) известна под названием “The Government Manuscript Library” («Правительственная библиотека... манускриптов»). По словам одного из программистов отдела оцифровки “The National Mission for Manuscripts...Организация при Министерстве культуры Индии “The National Mission for Manuscripts” собирается

IT and Archives: The National Archives of the UK government brings web archiving to local authorities

28 July 2011
The National Archives of the UK government is working with local authorities to pilot a web archiving model which will ensure important online information is preserved for future generations.  
Национальный архив Великобритании (The National Archives) в сотрудничестве с местными властями...Национальный архив Великобритании (The National Archives) в сотрудничестве с местными властями

Digital libraries: Philippine digital cultural heritage archive launched

8 March 2011
Filipino netizens may soon be welcomed into the virtual doors of the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP).
с богатым культурным наследием Филиппин, посетив Культурный центр страны (The Cultural Center... с богатым культурным наследием Филиппин, посетив Культурный центр страны (The Cultural Center of the Philippines, CCP).

Archives abroad: The National Archives plans to digitize British Telecom’s historical documents

19 January 2012
The National Archives, UK (TNA) has announced its plans to digitize historical documents collected by British Telecom (BT) – British telecommunications company - over 165 years.  
Национальный архив Великобритании (The National Archives, TNA) объявил о намерении перевести...Национальный архив Великобритании (The National Archives, TNA) объявил о намерении перевести

Society and Mass Media: The United Arab Emirates to release applications on Russia as part of the project “Russia Beyond the Headlines”

6 December 2012
In December as part of the international project of the “Russian Newspaper” Russia Beyond The Headlines the United Arab Emirates are releasing the issue of special applications on Russia in the influential newspapers Gulf News (in English) and Al Khaleej (in Arabic).  
В декабре в рамках международного проекта «Российской газеты» Russia Beyond The Headlines... Ближнего Востока. «Russia Beyond The Headlines – международный проект. Наши приложения выходят в 22... странах, а среди наших партнёров – The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post..., The Daily Telegraph, Le Figaro и другие влиятельнейшие газеты мира. Но проект не мог...В декабре в рамках международного проекта «Российской газеты» Russia Beyond The Headlines

IT and Culture: Materials of the Arab Image Foundation digitized and released online

13 June 2019
The Arab Image Foundation is Beirut’s pioneering non-profit archive of Middle Eastern photography. Its collection features over 500,000 photographs from 50 countries of the Arab world and its diaspora. It brings together works of more than 250 amateur and 700 professional photographers and studios. The images date back to the 1860s.
Арабский фонд фотографий (The Arab Image Foundation) - бейрутский некоммерческий архив...Арабский фонд фотографий (The Arab Image Foundation) - бейрутский некоммерческий архив

IT and History: Digital library on indigenous culture and history of the Pacific Northwest launched

4 August 2019
The non-profit organization Confluence has announced the launch of the digital resource The Confluence Library, which contains photo galleries, research papers and multimedia works about the tribes and ecology of the Columbia River system (USA).
Некоммерческая организация Confluence объявила о запуске цифрового ресурса The Confluence Library...Некоммерческая организация Confluence объявила о запуске цифрового ресурса The Confluence

Information technology and libraries: The American University of Nigeria extends its library holdings through e-books

19 August 2013
The American University of Nigeria founded in 2003, has announced plans to expand the library collection through e-books. This year, the university has focused on the program “mobile library”.
Американский университет Нигерии (The American University of Nigeria), основанный в 2003 г...Американский университет Нигерии (The American University of Nigeria), основанный в 2003 г

World libraries and Copyright: Conference in Hague addresses current issues for libraries concerning copyright, open access and human rights

7 April 2011
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) jointly with the Netherlands Library Forum FOBID is holding a two-day conference under the theme “Libraries driving access to knowledge: Action for Europe” which is due April 14–15, 2011 at the National Library of the Netherlands (Koninklijke Bibliotheek), the Hague, Netherlands.  
Международная федерация библиотечных ассоциаций и учреждений (The International Federation... of Library Associations and Institutions, IFLA) совместно с Библиотечным форумом Нидерландов (The...Международная федерация библиотечных ассоциаций и учреждений (The International Federation... of Library Associations and Institutions, IFLA) совместно с Библиотечным форумом Нидерландов (The

IT and Archives abroad: UK National Archives helps open up valuable archive collections

7 December 2011
Access to 12 archive collections is set to be transformed by a series of new grants. The National Cataloguing Grants Programme 2011 has awarded £420,000 to archives across the UK to help make these vitally important collections fully accessible for the first time.  
В рамках Национальной программы по предоставлению грантов для проведения каталогизации 2011 (The... гранты в этом году, можно отметить Библиотеку Винера (The Wiener Library), Музей Боузов (Bowes Museum...В рамках Национальной программы по предоставлению грантов для проведения каталогизации 2011 (The

International initiatives: The official website of the Year of Russian language and literature in Germany launched

31 July 2014
The International project of the “Russian newspaper” Russia Beyond The Headlines has launched a resource russjahr.de. Its purpose is to increase an interest of the German public to the study of the Russian language and literature and to present useful materials to translators and teachers. The resource will become an official flyer of events of the Year of Russian language and literature in Germany.  
Международный проект «Российской газеты» Russia Beyond The Headlines запустил ресурс russjahr.de...Международный проект «Российской газеты» Russia Beyond The Headlines запустил ресурс russjahr.de

Society and Mass Media: The Wall Street Journal to release the application on Russia

19 October 2012
October 20, 2012 in the framework of the international project “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” Russia Beyond the Headlines (RBTH, www.rbth.ru) in one of the largest and most influential U.S. newspaper The Wall StreetJournal will be released an English-language application Russian Business Insight. A particular emphasis will be placed on business news.  
the Headlines (RBTH, www.rbth.ru) в одной из крупнейших и наиболее влиятельных американских газет The Wall... к газете The Wall Street Journal будет выходить один раз в два месяца общим тиражом 712 000 экземпляров... приложений в The Washington Post и The New York Times. Для нас это совершенно новая аудитория людей..., которые нуждаются в актуальной деловой информации из России. Среди американских газет The Wall Street... the Headlines (RBTH, www.rbth.ru) в одной из крупнейших и наиболее влиятельных американских газет The Wall

IT and society: US researchers study Russian Blogosphere

21 October 2010
On October 18 2010 the Berkman Center for Internet @ Society at Harvard University released a research report on the Russian Blogosphere entitled “Public Discourse in the Russian Blogosphere: Mapping RuNet Politics and Mobilization”, which is a research project launched to investigate the role of the Internet in Russian society.  
18 октября 2010 года научный центр Беркмана при Гарвардском университете (The Berkman Center...18 октября 2010 года научный центр Беркмана при Гарвардском университете (The Berkman Center

Internet resources: “The Discography: Legal Encyclopedia of Popular Music” website

26 December 2010
Fans, musicians, journalists, researchers and anyone else interested in music can see how the courts dealt with this question and nearly any other legal issue involving the music industry at “The Dicsography: Legal Encyclopedia of Popular Music”.  
индустрии на сайте «Дискография: Правовая энциклопедия популярной музыки» (The Discography: Legal... индустрии на сайте «Дискография: Правовая энциклопедия популярной музыки» (The Discography: Legal Encyclopedia of Popular Music).

Libraries abroad: Library of Congress Project wins “Digital Preservation Award 2010”

20 December 2010
The Memento Project led by researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory and Old Dominion University, has won the Digital Preservation Award 2010. The award, given by the Institute for Conservation and the Digital Preservation Coalition and supported by Sir Paul McCartney, celebrates the highest standards worldwide in the field of digital preservation.  
Проект The Memento Project, разработанный под руководством Лос-Аламосской национальной лаборатории...Проект The Memento Project, разработанный под руководством Лос-Аламосской национальной

World history and culture: Unique exhibition project to the centenary of the First World War in Yevpatoria

7 August 2015
August 7, 2015 the Gallery of Contemporary Art "theHARASHO" (Yevpatoriya, Crimea Republic) presents its guests a unique project of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, together with the general partner - the Centre for Contemporary Art "Winery" (Moscow) to the centenary of the First World War.  
7 августа 2015 года Галерея актуального искусства “theHARASHO” (Евпатория, Республика Крым...7 августа 2015 года Галерея актуального искусства “theHARASHO” (Евпатория, Республика Крым

Book publishing and book distribution: Russia presents new editions at the International Book Fair in London

12 April 2016
From 12 to 14 April 2016 in London, in the oldest exhibition center "Olympia", is held the 45th International Book Fair The London Book Fair-2016 (LBF-2016), the most important event in the global book industry, which attracts thousands of professionals: publishers, literary agents, librarians, booksellers and translators. 
Международная книжная ярмарка The London Book Fair–2016 (LBF–2016), важнейшее событие мировой книжной... Международная книжная ярмарка The London Book Fair–2016 (LBF–2016), важнейшее событие мировой

World Libraries: World Digital Library welcomes new partners

15 February 2011
The National Library of Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage (ADACH) has joined the World Digital Library (WDL), an international project that places on line important historical and cultural documents from countries around the world.  
Национальная библиотека Департамента по культурному наследию Абу-Даби (The National Library of Abu...Национальная библиотека Департамента по культурному наследию Абу-Даби (The National Library

Digital libraries: Albert Einstein’s archives go digital

16 March 2011
On March 14, 2011, celebrating 132nd birthday anniversary of Albert Einstein, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem announced the launch of a new project, which involves digitization of the German-Jewish physicist’s archives.
в Иерусалиме (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) объявил о начале проекта по оцифровке архивов великого... в Иерусалиме (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) объявил о начале проекта по оцифровке архивов

Internet and libraries: The British Library launches the new internet resource “Discovering Sacred Texts”

26 September 2019
The British Library presents the new internet resource “Discovering Sacred Texts”. The new website highlights the Library’s remarkable collection of sacred texts. It features the six most-practised faiths in the UK – Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism – as well as a number of other faiths. 
Британская библиотека (The British Library) представляет новый интернет-ресурс «Открывая священные...Британская библиотека (The British Library) представляет новый интернет-ресурс «Открывая
