Geographical position. Physiography
Geographical position. Physiography
The experience of characterizing certain elements of climate and weather according to the meteorological station at the Vladimir Experimental Field for the Ninetieth Anniversary of 1910-1918. in comparison with the general climatic data of Russia
The experience of characterizing certain elements of climate and weather according to the meteorological station at the Vladimir Experimental Field for the Ninetieth Anniversary of 1910-1918. in comparison with the general climatic data of Russia. Vladimir on Klyazma: State Printing House No. 3, 1919.
Владимирская ОУНБ
Meteorological annals of the Vladimir provincial zemstvo. The year 1906, part 1, issue. 1. Meteorological observations made in 1906 at stations of the 2nd category of the Vladimir province, printed in international form. Issue. 2: Meteorological observations made in 1906 at the stations of the third category of the Vladimir province, printed in the form of "Chronicles of the Nikolaev Main Physical Observatory"
Meteorological annals of the Vladimir provincial zemstvo. Vladimir on Klyazma: Typo-lithography of the Provincial Zemstvo Board, 1908-. Film The Year 1906, Part 1, Issue. 1: Meteorological observations made in 1906 at stations of the 2nd category of the Vladimir province, printed in an international format; Issue. 2: Meteorological observations made in 1906 at the stations of the third category of the Vladimir province, printed in the form of "Chronicles of the Nicholas Main Physical Observatory." 1908.
Владимирская ОУНБ
Waters of the Vladimir province
Dubensky, Nikolai Yakovlevich (1822-1892).
The waters of the Vladimir province.
[B. m .: b. and., 1855].
[B. m .: b. and., 1855].
Владимирская ОУНБ
The Red Book of the Vladimir Region
The Red Book of the Vladimir Region. Vladimir, 2010.
Администрация Владимирской области. Государственная инспекция по охране и использованию животного мира