History of Vladimir
History of Vladimir
About the beginning of Vladimir that on Klyazma, about prenesenii in that from Kiev of the Russian capital and about the grand dukes who were in it
Dmitrievsky, Ivan Fedorovich (? -1815). About the beginning of Vladimir that on Klyazma, about prenesenii in this from Kiev of the Russian capital and about the grand dukes who were in it. In St. Petersburg: under the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1802.
Владимирская ОУНБ
About the founding of the city of Vladimir on Klyazma by the Grand Duke Vladimir the Saints
Ilyinsky, Pavel Vasilyevich (archpriest).
About the founding of the city of Vladimir on Klyazma by the Grand Duke Vladimir the Saints.
Vladimir on the Klyazma: Skoropech. I. Koil, 1916.
Vladimir on the Klyazma: Skoropech. I. Koil, 1916.
Владимирская ОУНБ
An outline of the history of the city of Vladimir on the Klyazma. Issue. 1. From the time of its foundation until the Tatar yoke, (990-1237)
Kosatkin, Vasily Vasilyevich (1845-1914).
An outline of the history of the city of Vladimir on the Klyazma. From the time of its foundation to the Tatar yoke, (990-1237). Author Vladimir: Type. PF Novgorodsky, 1881-. 1881.
Владимирская ОУНБ
Russia in its capitals. 4. Vladimir
Nelidova. E.Rus in her capitals. St. Petersburg: [printing house of A. Suvorin], 1912-1916.
4: Vladimir. 1916.
4: Vladimir. 1916.
City of Vladimir on Klyazma
Ivanov, AI Horod Vladimir on the Klyazma. Vladimir: The Call, 1927.
Владимирская ОУНБ