Economy. Economic geography
Economy. Economic geography
- Economic statistics
... Number, composition and position of workers in St. Petersburg
Bernstein-Kogan, Sergei Vladimirovich (1886-1951). ... Number, composition and position of workers in St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg. polytechnical. Institute of imp. Peter the Great, 1910.Petrograd
Petrograd. [Petrograd]: City printing house, 1916. - Industry, trades and crafts. Activities of individual enterprises
Petersburg industry. Walking through factories and plants
Bakhtiarov, Anatoly Alexandrovich (1851-1916). Petersburg industry. Walking through factories and plants. St. Petersburg: publication of the journal "Engineering, Handicraft and Agricultural Architecture", 1905.Industry of Leningrad and the region of 1923-24
The industry of Leningrad and the region of 1923-24 Leningrad: The publishing house Sevzaprombureau VSNKH, 1924.The main tasks of industry and the role of Leningrad
Dzerzhinsky, Felix Edmundovich (1877-1926). The main tasks of industry and the role of Leningrad. Leningrad: The printing house of the "Svetoch" factory, 1925.Textiles of Leningrad in 1917.
Perazich, Vladimir Davidovich (1867-). Textiles of Leningrad in 1917 Leningrad: publication of the Leningrad department of the All-Union Textile Workers' Union, 1927.Development and production by the industry of Petrograd - Leningrad of means of communication for the Red Army in the 20s - 30s of the XX century
Alexeyev, Timofey Vladimirovich. The development and production by the industry of Petrograd - Leningrad of means of communication for the Red Army in the 20s - 30s of the XX century. St. Petersburg, 2007.- Obukhov Plant: from the history of the formation of domestic industry
The Сollection contains materials covering the main stages of the history of the creation and activity of the Obukhov plant in St. Petersburg from the XIX century to the present. The Collection includes official documents, archival files from the holdings of the Council of Ministers (1905-1917), the holdings of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and others, monographies, letters, resolutions, etc., as well as pictorial and cartographic materials.
- Trade
"Black market" in post-war Leningrad
Klyuev, Evgeny Alexandrovich "The Black Market" in post-war Leningrad.
St. Petersburg, 2011.Essay on the history of the St. Petersburg Commercial Court
Martens, Gustav Karlovich. Essay on the history of the St. Petersburg Commercial Court. St. Petersburg: Schröder printing house, 1883.Leningrad cooperation in ten years. T. 1
Leningrad Regional Union of Consumer Societies. Leningrad cooperation in ten years. Leningrad: the publication of L. S. P. O., 1928.
T. 1. 1928. - Finance. Taxes and fees
History of the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange
Timofeev, Alexander Georgievich (lawyer, 1867-). The history of the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange. St. Petersburg: printing house of the St. Petersburg Association of Printing and Publishing "Trud", 1903.Address-calendar of St. Petersburg residents, compiled according to official documents and information by K. Nyström. T. 3. Calendar of private persons
Nistrëm. Karl Mikhailovich. - after 1859. Address-calendar of St. Petersburg residents, compiled according to official documents and information by K. Nyström. St.Petersburg: Printing house of the III Department of its own e. at. office, 1844.
T. 3: Calendar of private persons. 1844.Information about bankers, exchange committee, exchange merchants, brokers, etc.
Statute of the Savings Fund of Employees and Workers at Ochtensky Sawmills of E.G. Brunt and Co.
Okhtensky sawmills E.G. Brunt and Co.. Savings fund of employees and workers (St. Petersburg). The Charter of the Savings Fund of Employees and Workers at the Okhtensky Sawmills of E.G. Brunt and Co..
St. Petersburg: Type. St. Petersburg Township, census. 1894]. - Transport and communication routes
The reports of St. Petersburg with its closest and remote. neighborhoods and an alphabetical index of all the settlements on the map
Gash, Yu. Yu. Reporting of St. Petersburg with its closest and distant. neighborhoods and an alphabetical index of all the settlements marked on the map. St. Petersburg: publishing cartography. head. Yu. Yu. Gash, 1912. - Population employment. Labour economics
Distribution of workers and servants by occupation groups and by place of birth based on data from the first general census of the Russian Empire on January 28, 1897
Distribution of workers and servants by occupation groups and by place of birth on the basis of the first general census of the Russian Empire on January 28, 1897.
[Saint-Petersburg]: steam typographic lithography of NL Nyrkin, 1905.
The Commercial Court in the Russian Empire – a special court for dealing with commercial cases from 1808 to 1917