Archival materials
Archival materials
Letters (fourteen) A.I.Philosophers from the State Chancellor of Prince A.M.Gorchakova
Philosophers Alexei Illarionovich (1799-1874), Adjutant General, teacher of the Grand Dukes of Nikolai and Mikhail Nikolaevichs, temporary military governor of St. Petersburg.Letters (fourteen) A.I.Philosophers from the State Chancellor of Prince A.M.Gorchakova.
The second series of projects and notes of various persons, transferred to the Main Committee on Peasant Affairs
The Main Committee on Peasant Affairs.
The second series of projects and notes of different persons, transferred to the Main Committee on Peasant Affairs.
The second series of projects and notes of different persons, transferred to the Main Committee on Peasant Affairs.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
"A note about the ways to achieve the liberation of peasants from the serfdom of Prince Gorchakov", 1855 (scans 1128-1163)
The case of the service of a member of the State Council, state chancellor of Prince Alexander Mikhailovich Gorchakov
State Chancellery of the State Council.The case of the service of a member of the State Council, the state chancellor of Prince Alexander Mikhailovich Gorchakov.
Federal state institution "Russian State Historical Archive"
On the appointment of Privy Councilor Prince Gorchakov Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chief of Staff Tolstoy, Comrade Minister and on their entry into this post
Caucasian Committee.
On the appointment of Privy Councilor Prince Gorchakov Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chief of Staff Tolstoy, Comrade Minister and on their entry into this office.
On the appointment of Privy Councilor Prince Gorchakov Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chief of Staff Tolstoy, Comrade Minister and on their entry into this office.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
On the appointment of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the actual secret adviser to Prince Gorchakov as a member of the Caucasian Committee
Caucasian Committee.
On the appointment of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the actual secret adviser to Prince Gorchakov as a member of the Caucasian Committee.
On the appointment of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the actual secret adviser to Prince Gorchakov as a member of the Caucasian Committee.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
Attitude of the Governor of the Sea Ministry of the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich to the Minister of Foreign Affairs AM Gorchakov with the proposal to sell the Russian North American colonies to the North American United States
Konstantin Nikolayevich (Grand Duke, 1827-1892). Attitude of the Governor of the Sea Ministry of the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich to the Minister of Foreign Affairs AM Gorchakov with the proposal to sell Russian North American colonies to the North American United States. 1857.
Materials on the issue of the liberation of peasants from serfdom; the views of the members of the Secret Committee, the Minister of the Interior, the letter of the German scientist Hextgausen to Prince Gorchakov, the note of the members of the committee on the "Dinaburg peasants," and others.
The Main Committee on Peasant Affairs.
Materials on the issue of freeing the peasants from serfdom; the views of the members of the Secret Committee, the Minister of the Interior, the letter of the German scientist Hextgausen to Prince Gorchakov, the note of the committee members "about the Dinaburg peasants," and others
Materials on the issue of freeing the peasants from serfdom; the views of the members of the Secret Committee, the Minister of the Interior, the letter of the German scientist Hextgausen to Prince Gorchakov, the note of the committee members "about the Dinaburg peasants," and others
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
Letter from the German scientist Hexthausen to Prince Gorchakov, 1857 (scans 257-313)
Letters from Prince Alexander Mikhailovich Gorchakov PA Valuyev on the affairs of the Polish Catholic Church, about the unrest in the Western Territory, with a note on the activities of the Polish emigre Count Krasinsky in London on the preparation for the restoration of Poland's independence and with an extract from the letter of Lord R. Napier on the actions of Mikhail Nikolaevich Muraviev on suppressing the Polish insurrection
Valuev Petr Alexandrovich, Earl (1814-1890). Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of State Property, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers, member of the State Council.
Letters of Prince Alexander Mikhailovich Gorchakov PA Valuyev on the affairs of the Polish Catholic Church, about the unrest in the Western Territory, with a note on the activities of the Polish emigre Count Krasinsky in London on the preparation for the restoration of Poland's independence and with an extract from the letter of Lord R. Napier On the actions of Mikhail Nikolayevich Muravev on the suppression of...
Letters of Prince Alexander Mikhailovich Gorchakov PA Valuyev on the affairs of the Polish Catholic Church, about the unrest in the Western Territory, with a note on the activities of the Polish emigre Count Krasinsky in London on the preparation for the restoration of Poland's independence and with an extract from the letter of Lord R. Napier On the actions of Mikhail Nikolayevich Muravev on the suppression of...
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
The most recent report on April 24, 1862, and the current correspondence on the Committee established to deal with the complaints of Roman Catholic bishops in the Kingdom of Poland. The Committee consisted of: Gr.Bludova and members of the Kn.AM Gorchakov, gr. VN Panin, PA Valuyev and VP Platonov.
The most recent report on April 24, 1862, and the current correspondence on the Committee established to deal with the complaints of Roman Catholic bishops in the Kingdom of Poland. The Committee consisted of: Gr.Bludova and members of the Kn.AM Gorchakov, gr. VN Panin, PA Valuyev and VP Platonov.1862.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
“Release of notes: to Prince A. M. Gorchakov, Count V. N. Panin, P. A. Valuev and V. P. Platonov dated February 5, 1862” (scans 9-10);
“Release from the relationship with the Minister of Foreign Affairs dated February 12, № 54” (scans 11-12)
Letters from Gorchakov Alexander Mikhailovich Kapnistu PA
Chicherin Boris Nikolaevich, lawyer, philosopher, professor of Moscow University, zemstvo figure.
Letters from Gorchakov Alexander Mikhailovich Kapnistu P. A.
Letters from Gorchakov Alexander Mikhailovich Kapnistu P. A.