Archival materials
Archival materials
The most belated report of the Minister of Public Education on the doubt of the Petersburg Censorship Committee regarding the advisability of publishing one place from the "Travel of Captain Kruzenshtern's Fleet" concerning the plight of industrialists traveling on Russian-American company ships to Russian villages. On the note, the Tsar's resolution authorizing the printing of the "Journey" completely
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of Education.
The most outstanding report of the Minister of Education about the doubt of the Petersburg Censorship Committee regarding the advisability of publishing one place from the "Flight of Captain Kruzenshtern's Fleet" concerning the plight of industrialists traveling on Russian-American company ships to Russian villages. On the note, the king's resolution on permission to print "Journey" completely.
The most outstanding report of the Minister of Education about the doubt of the Petersburg Censorship Committee regarding the advisability of publishing one place from the "Flight of Captain Kruzenshtern's Fleet" concerning the plight of industrialists traveling on Russian-American company ships to Russian villages. On the note, the king's resolution on permission to print "Journey" completely.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
The case against the Minister of Education to the author of "Travel around the World" to the captain of the fleet Yu. F. Lisyansky with the request to send to the library of the Department maps and drawings belonging to his book. Immediately after the letter of Mr. Lisyansky about the acceptance from him of the published work "Journey around the World" from him to the educational institutions. Immediately on the dispatch to different provinces of the gymnasiums and schools of this work and about collecting money for it
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of Education.
The case against the Minister of Education to the author of "Travel around the world" Captain Yu. F. Lisyansky with the request to send to the library of the Department maps and drawings belonging to his book. Immediately after the letter of Mr. Lisyansky about the acceptance from him of the published work "Journey around the World" from him to the educational institutions. Immediately on the dispatch to different provinces of the gymnasiums and colleges of this work and about collecting money for it.
The case against the Minister of Education to the author of "Travel around the world" Captain Yu. F. Lisyansky with the request to send to the library of the Department maps and drawings belonging to his book. Immediately after the letter of Mr. Lisyansky about the acceptance from him of the published work "Journey around the World" from him to the educational institutions. Immediately on the dispatch to different provinces of the gymnasiums and colleges of this work and about collecting money for it.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
The matter of satisfying the petition of the adjunct of the Academy of Sciences GI Langsdorff about the admission of the detainee without leave to the Petersburg customs house of his work "Bemerkungen auf einer Reise um die Welt in den Jahren 1803-1807"
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of Education.
The case on the satisfaction of the petition of the adjunct of the Academy of Sciences G. I. Langsdorf on the admission of the detainee without leave to the Petersburg customs house of his work "Bemerkungen auf einer Reise um die Welt in den Jahren 1803-1807".
The case on the satisfaction of the petition of the adjunct of the Academy of Sciences G. I. Langsdorf on the admission of the detainee without leave to the Petersburg customs house of his work "Bemerkungen auf einer Reise um die Welt in den Jahren 1803-1807".