The Crimean Khanate and Russia: diplomatic relations

The Crimean Khanate and Russia: diplomatic relations

Monuments of diplomatic relations of the Crimean Khanate with the Moscow State in the 16th and 17th centuries, stored in the Moscow Main Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  Lashkov, Fedor Fedorovich (-1917).     Monuments of diplomatic relations of the Crimean Khanate with the Moscow State in the 16th and 17th centuries, stored in the Moscow Main Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Simferopol: Type. gas. "Crimea", 1891.

Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. Monuments of diplomatic relations of ancient Russia with the powers of foreign. 41. [Monuments of diplomatic relations of the Moscow State with the Crimean and Nagai Hordes and with Turkey

Russian Historical Society. Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. St. Petersburg, 1867-1916.
T. 41: [Monuments of diplomatic relations of the Moscow state with the Crimean and Nagay hordes and with Turkey. S.Peterburg: Printing house of F.Eleonsky and Co., 1884.

Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. Monuments of diplomatic relations of ancient Russia with the powers of foreign. T. 95. [Monuments of diplomatic relations of the Moscow State with the Crimea, the Nagai and Turkey

Russian Historical Society. Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. St. Petersburg, 1867-1916.
T. 95: [Monuments of diplomatic relations of the Moscow state with the Crimea, Nagai and Turkey. S.Peterburg: Pechatnia SP Yakovleva, 1895.

Memoirs relating to the history of Southern Russia. Issue. 2. (First half of the XVII century). The diary of the Novgorod custody of Theodore Evlashevsky

Memoirs relating to the history of Southern Russia. Kiev, 1890-1896. Film Evlashevsky, Theodore. Issue. 2. (First half of the XVII century.): Diary of the Novgorod underage of Theodore Evlashevsky. 1896.

Сведения о походе в Крым Михаила Дорошенко (сканы 153–172)

The article list of Vasil Tyapkin, a deacon and Nikita Zotov, the deacon, the embassy to the Crimea in 1680, for the conclusion of the Bakchisaray Treaty

  Zotov, Nikita Moiseevich (about 1645-1718).     The article list of Vasil Tyapkin, a deacon and Nikita Zotov, the deacon, the embassy to the Crimea in 1680, for concluding the Bakchisarai Treaty.
Odessa: In the mountains. type., 1850.
