Historical events linked with the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square
Historical events linked with the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square
View of the Red Square in the days of coronation celebrations
View of the Red Square in the days of coronation celebrations. Moscow, 1896.
Visit of the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to Moscow. At a reception in the Kremlin
Visit of the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to Moscow. At a reception in the Kremlin. Category: [Moscow], oct. 1944.
Архив внешней политики РФ
On the Red Square of Moscow on Victory Day
Sitnikov, Nikolai Mikhailovich. On Red Square in Moscow on Victory Day. May 11, 1945.
Военно-исторический Музей артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи МО РФ
Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow June 24, 1945 Soviet wars with German banners seized from German troops
Kislov, Fedor Ivanovich (1899-?). Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow June 24, 1945 Soviet wars with the banners seized from the German troops. June 24, 1945.
Военно-исторический Музей артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи МО РФ