General section
General section
L.N. Tolstoy, his life and literary activity
Soloviev, Evgeny Andreevich (1866-1905). L.N. Tolstoy, his life and literary activity. St. Petersburg: "The Bank is short." Ing. I.G. Gershun, 1894.
Gr. L.N. Tolstoy, his life, works and world outlook
Levenfeld, Raphael (1854-1910). Gr. L. N. Tolstoy, his life, works and world outlook. Moscow: the publication of DP Efimov, 1897.
Letters (2) AN Naryshkina, honorary guardian of the 1st Vasilyevskaya school of the Imperial Women's Patriotic Society, KP Pobedonostsev about the characteristic given by Naryshkin to Leo Tolstoy; about the drunkenness of the director of the Tambov Catherine Teachers' Institute and with a request for his retirement; on the appointment of the head of the Mother of God of the Mother of God and the shelter of the Shadrinsky district of the Perm province to the priest I. Kokosov
Pobedonostsev Konstantin Petrovich (1827-1907).
Letters (2) AN Naryshkina, honorary tutor of the 1st Vasilyevskaya school of the Imperial Women's Patriotic Society, KP Pobedonostsev about the characteristic given by Naryshkin to Leo Tolstoy; about the drunkenness of the director of the Tambov Catherine Teachers' Institute and with a request for his retirement; on the appointment of the head of the Mother of God of the Mother of God and the shelter of the Shadrinsky district of the Perm province to the priest I. Kokosov.
Letters (2) AN Naryshkina, honorary tutor of the 1st Vasilyevskaya school of the Imperial Women's Patriotic Society, KP Pobedonostsev about the characteristic given by Naryshkin to Leo Tolstoy; about the drunkenness of the director of the Tambov Catherine Teachers' Institute and with a request for his retirement; on the appointment of the head of the Mother of God of the Mother of God and the shelter of the Shadrinsky district of the Perm province to the priest I. Kokosov.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
Count Lev Tolstoy
Zabel, Eugen (1851-1924). Count Lev Tolstoy. Kiev: edition of the bookstore Vsevolod Popov, 1903.
Gr. L.N. Tolstoy, his life, works and world outlook
Levenfeld, Raphael (1854-1910). Gr. L. N. Tolstoy, his life, works and world outlook. Moscow: the publication of DP Efimov, 1904.
Свердловская обл. библиотека для детей и юношества
Lives of Tolstoy (1885-1908)
Tenermo, Isaak Borisovich (1863-1925). Lives of Tolstoy (1885-1908). Odessa: printing house of the newspaper "Odessa News", 1908.
L. N. Tolstoy. Life and art. 1828-1908
Molostv, Nikolai Germanovich (1871-1910).
L. N. Tolstoy. Life and art. 1828-1908 years ..
St. Petersburg: the publication of PP Soikin, [1909-1910].
St. Petersburg: the publication of PP Soikin, [1909-1910].
Lev Tolstoy
Ivanov-Razumnik, Razumnik Vasilyevich (1878-1946).
Lev Tolstoy. T. 4.
St. Petersburg: "Prometheus" NN Mikhailova, [1912].
St. Petersburg: "Prometheus" NN Mikhailova, [1912].