- General section
Minutes of the meeting of the Commission of the Scientific and Technical Department of the Supreme Council of National Economy dated December 9, 1918 about the sending of specialists and engineers to Astrakhan to streamline the case in the fisheries
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Minutes of the meeting of the Commission of the Scientific and Technical Department of the Supreme Economic Council of December 9, 1918 on the sending of specialists and engineers to Astrakhan to streamline the setting of the case in the fisheries.Telegrams on the organization of the fishing industry, the work of fisheries, the harvesting and transportation of fish
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Telegrams on the organization of the fishing industry, the work of fisheries, the harvesting and transportation of fish.Telegrams on the organization of the fishing industry, the work of fisheries, the harvesting and transportation of fish
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Telegrams on the organization of the fishing industry, the work of fisheries, the harvesting and transportation of fish.Draft Decree of the Council of People's Commissars on Fisheries and Fisheries and correspondence with the Glavryboy and Murmansk Oblast Directorate of the Fish Industry, on the reorganization of Glavryba, on the work of its local authorities, on the mobilization of labor on fisheries and on resettlement
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Draft Decree of the Council of People's Commissars on Fisheries and Fisheries and correspondence with the Glavryboy and Murmansk Oblast Directorate of the Fish Industry, on the reorganization of Glavryba, on the work of its local authorities, on the mobilization of labor on fisheries and on the relocation of Finnish citizens engaged in fisheries to Russia .Report and information "Glavryby" on the formation of a fish syndicate and correspondence with the Main Directorate for Fisheries and Fisheries in Russia "Glavryba" on activities to raise fisheries, on the distribution of fisheries, on the livestock camp
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Report and information from the Glavryby Foundation on the formation of a fish syndicate and correspondence with the Glavryba Main Directorate for Fisheries and Fisheries in Russia on activities to raise fisheries, on the distribution of fisheries, on the hunting industry in the northern waters, on the cancellation of fish concessions.Weekly of Soviet Justice. 1925, No. 52 (Dec. 31)
Weekly of Soviet Justice. Moscow: The Legal Publishing House of the NKY of the RSFSR; 1922-1929.
1925, No. 52 (Dec. 31): 1925, No. 52 (Dec. 31). 1925.Weekly of Soviet Justice. 1928, No. 9 (March 7)
Weekly of Soviet Justice. Moscow: The Legal Publishing House of the NKJ of the RSFSR, 1922-1929. Film 1928, No. 9 (March 7). 1928.Порядок сдачи в аренду рыболовных угодий и заведений – правила НКЗема и НКФ РСФСР № 380 (скан 32)
Weekly of Soviet Justice. 1928, No. 14 (April 16)
Weekly of Soviet Justice. Moscow: The Legal Publishing House of the NKJ of the RSFSR, 1922-1929. Film 1928, No. 14 (April 16). 1928.Правила ловли рыбы для личного потребления – постановление НКЗема № 367 (скан 23)
Weekly of Soviet Justice. 1928, No. 15 (April 23)
Weekly of Soviet Justice. Moscow: The Legal Publishing House of the NKJ of the RSFSR, 1922-1929.
1928, No. 15 (April 23). 1928.Премирование рыбопромыслового надзора и милиции за открытие нарушений правил рыболовства – инструкция НКЗема (скан 29)
Weekly of Soviet Justice. 1928, No. 25 (July 10)
Weekly of Soviet Justice. Moscow: The Legal Publishing House of the NKJ of the RSFSR, 1922-1929. Film 1928, No. 25 (July 10). 1928.Правила ловли рыбы для личного потребления – правила НКЗема (скан 21)
Weekly of Soviet Justice. 1928, No. 35 (September 24)
Weekly of Soviet Justice. Moscow: The Legal Publishing House of the NKJ of the RSFSR, 1922-1929. Film 1928, No. 35 (September 24). 1928.Порядок пользования рыбацкой кооперацией переданным ей рыбопромысловым имуществом – правила НКФ № 201 (скан 21)
Weekly of Soviet Justice. 1929, No. 25 (June 30)
Weekly of Soviet Justice. Moscow: The Legal Publishing House of the NKJ of the RSFSR, 1922-1929.
1929, No. 25 (June 30). 1929.Иванов С. Ответственность за нарушение правил производства рыбной ловли (скан 17)
Fish industry
Arnold, Ivan Nikolaevich (1868-1942). The fish industry. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1926; Leningrad.Fishing Convention between the USSR and Japan
THE USSR. Contracts Fishing convention between the USSR and Japan.
Moscow: Lidizdat edition of the NKID, 1928.The policy of the Soviet state in the sphere of the fishing industry in the second half of the twentieth century
Alexeeva, Antonina Ivanovna (teacher). The policy of the Soviet state in the sphere of the fishing industry in the second half of the 20th century. Astrakhan, 2010.All-Union Industrial Exhibition. Pavilion "Fish industry"
All-Union Industrial Exhibition. Pavilion "Fish industry". 1956. - North-West region
Supply of Petrograd with fish
Weberman, Ernst Abramovich. Supply of Petrograd with fish. Petrograd: Type. Ya. B. Lyakhovitsky, 1917.Fisheries of the Ice-White Sea region. Sat. 1
Fisheries of the Ice-White Sea region. [Vologda]: The Sevkoryba publication, 1922. Sb. 1. 1922.The productive forces of the North-Western region. T. 1. Fish industry in Murman
The productive forces of the North-Western region. Petrozavodsk: B. and., 1927.
T. 1: The fishing industry on Murman. 1927.Fisheries of the White Sea and the Arctic Ocean
Zhilinsky, Alexey Alexandrovich (1891-1962). Fisheries of the White Sea and the Arctic Ocean. [Leningrad]: OGIZ, 1933.Herald of the Karelo-Murmansk region. 1924, No. 3 (August 15)
Herald of the Karelo-Murmansk region. [Leningrad]: Sovnarkom of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of Abkhazia and the Board of Murmansk Region. roads, 1924-1926.
1924, No. 3 (August 15). 1924.Сомов А.А. Северная рыбопромышленность и её нужды (сканы 10–12)
Herald of the Karelo-Murmansk region. 1925, No. 4 (19) (1 February)
Herald of the Karelo-Murmansk region. [Leningrad]: Sovnarkom of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of Abkhazia and the Board of Murmansk Region. roads, 1924-1926.
1925, No. 4 (19) (February 1). 1925.Жилинский А. Ярусный и траловый лов на Мурмане (сканы 10–14)
Herald of the Karelo-Murmansk region. 1925, No. 7 (22) (March 1)
Herald of the Karelo-Murmansk region. [Leningrad]: Sovnarkom of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of Abkhazia and the Board of Murmansk Region. roads, 1924-1926.
1925, No. 7 (22) (March 1). 1925.Жилинский А. Забытый промысел Мурмана (сканы 16–18);
Дмитриев Н. Охраняйте рыбные богатства (скан 19)Herald of the Karelo-Murmansk region. 1925, No. 10 (25) (1 April)
Herald of the Karelo-Murmansk region. [Leningrad]: Sovnarkom of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of Abkhazia and the Board of Murmansk Region. roads, 1924-1926.
1925, No. 10 (25) (April 1). 1925.О методах улучшения рыбного промысла на Мурмане (сканы 12–15)
Karelo-Murmansk region. 1935, No. 8/9
Karelo-Murmansk region. Leningrad: Sovnarkom of the AKSSR, 1926-1935.
1935, No. 8/9. 1935.Петров В. Промысловые рыбы озёр Кольского полуострова (сканы 19-21);
Михайлов С. Иностранный и советский траловый промысел в Медвежинской банке (сканы 22-25);
Жилинский А. О дорном тресковом промысле (сканы 26-27);
А. Ж. Морской зверобойный флот Мурмана (сканы 28-29)Murmansk. In the fishing port
Murmansk. In the fishing port. - Eastern region
Information on the work of the fishing industry in Yakutia
Shevchenko, A. Reference on the work of the fishing industry in Yakutia. September 23, 1946.To help the fishing collective farms of Sakhalin
Petrashkevich, K. K. To help the fishing collective farms of Sakhalin. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: printing house Blancoizdatelstva number 1, 1948.Bulletin of the Far Eastern Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 1932, No. 1/2
AN SSSR. Far Eastern branch. Bulletin of the Far Eastern Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Vladivostok: Dalgiz, 1932-1939. Film 1932, № 1/2. 1932.Рыбохозяйственные исследования на Дальнем Востоке (сканы 112–113)
In the Far East. Sakhalin island. Kholmsk. Unloading fish
In the Far East. Sakhalin island. Kholmsk. Unloading fish.In the Far East. Fishing port in the bay of Nakhodka
In the Far East. Fishing port in the bay of Nakhodka. - Fishery during the Great Patriotic War
416-460.Постановление СНК СССР № 432 от 5 марта 1941 г. «О заготовительных ценах на рыбу-сырец, сдаваемую колхозами в районах большого рыболовства» (сканы 478-483)
1083-1209.Постановление СНК СССР № 1143 от 19 октября 1943 г. «Об увеличении производства сетематериалов для нужд рыболовства» (сканы 457-470)
1212-1320.Постановление СНК СССР № 1244 от 13 ноября 1943 г. «О мерах по увеличению добычи рыбы в водоемах Архангельской области» (сканы 238-259)
1401-1445.Постановление СНК СССР № 1402 от 20 декабря 1943 г. «Об организации промышленного лова рыбы в Рыбинском водохранилище» (сканы 18-35)
Protection of fish stocks in reservoirs of the Novosibirsk Region
Iogansen, Bodo Germanovich (1911-). Protection of fish stocks in reservoirs of the Novosibirsk Region. Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk Regional State Publishing House, 1942.The laudable certificate of the Stakhanovite in the struggle for the abundance of fish products
The commendable reading and writing of the Stakhanovites in the struggle for the abundance of fish products Noeva A.S.Moskva, 1943.List of mobilized for fishing by regions
List of mobilized for fish production by districts. [Yakutsk], 1943.Report on the work of the fishing industry in Yakutia during the war years
Report on the work of the fishing industry in Yakutia during the war years. [1945].More fish to the front!
Gabyshev, Lev Mikhailovich (1923-1975). More fish to the front !.Extraction of fish in Yakutia, 1941-1945.
Extraction of fish in Yakutia, 1941-1945 [between 1941-1945].Memorable sign to fishermen who died during the Great Patriotic War. Krasnodar territory, mountains. Temryuk
Memorable sign to fishermen who died during the Great Patriotic War. Krasnodar territory, mountains. Temryuk. Krasnodar Territory, Temryuk District, Temryuk, ul. Buvina, April 2, 18, 2011.
Предоставление прав органов дознания инспекторам рыболовства и досмотрщикам рыболовного надзора по делам о нарушениях правил о рыбной ловле и производстве рыбного промысла – циркуляр НКЮ 250 (сканы 30–32)