- International relations
Dynamics of the Russian-Armenian political dialogue in the system of modern geopolitics
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Constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in Russia and Armenia
Nazaryan, Nara Zhoraevna Constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in Russia and Armenia.
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Mkrtumyan, Armand Yurievich. The judicial precedent in the civil law of Russia and Armenia. Moscow, 2011.Legal regulation of hereditary relations complicated by a foreign element in Russia and Armenia
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Legal regulation of the employment contract under the laws of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia.Институциональные и функциональные характеристики правительств Российской Федерации и Республики Армения
Арутюнян, Аршак Размикович (кандидат юридических наук). Институциональные и функциональные характеристики правительств Российской Федерации и Республики Армения. Москва, 2013.