General works
General works
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
Plisky, Nikolay N. Ivan Ivanovich Turgenev. St. Petersburg: type. I.P. Voshchinsky, 1883.
Herald of Europe. 18 1883, [v. 5], book. 10, October
Herald of Europe. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918.
18, 1883, [v. 5], book. 10, October. 1883.
18, 1883, [v. 5], book. 10, October. 1883.
Содерж.: Внутреннее обозрение. Смерть Тургенева, как событие в истории нашего общества. С. 779-783 [сканы 353-357]. А-н. Иван Сергеевич Тургенев : некролог С. 825-839 [сканы 399-413].
Herald of Europe. G. 19 1884, v. 1, [bk. 1-2, January-February]
Herald of Europe. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918.
G. 191884, vol. 1, [bk. 1-2, January-February]. 1884.
G. 191884, vol. 1, [bk. 1-2, January-February]. 1884.
Ivan Turgenev in Berlin in 1836-39. (scan 6). A youthful portrait of Turgenev. p. 5-7 (scans 11-13). S. Andreevsky. Enough! Poem on Turgenev's theme. p. 8-15 (scans 14-21). Subscription to the monument to Ivan Turgenev. P. V. Annenkov. Ivan Turgenev’s youth. 1840-1856. p. 448-474 (scans 454-479)
Наблюдатель. Г. 6 1887, № 11 (ноябрь)
Наблюдатель. Санкт-Петербург, 1882-1904.
Г. 6 1887, № 11. 1887.
Г. 6 1887, № 11. 1887.
РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена
Содерж.:. Розы: (Памяти И.С. Тургенева): Стихотворение К.Р. С. 37 [скан 41].
I.S. Turgenev
Smirnov, Alexander Vasilyevich (1854-1918).
I.S. Turgenev.
Vladimir: Typography of Provincial Government, 1908.
Vladimir: Typography of Provincial Government, 1908.
Влaдимирскaя ОУНБ
On the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of IS Turgenev
Russian Federation. President (2012-; V.V. Putin). On the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of IS Turgenev. Moscow, 2014.
Очерк посвящен памяти писателя.