General section

General section

The dismissal of the editor of the newspaper "Moscow Vedomosti" M. N. Katkova in connection with the resolution of the publication of the Russian Bulletin magazine, about the appointment of V. F. Korsha and the Assistant Editor K. N. Bestumeva-Ryumin

Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.The dismissal of the editor of the newspaper "Moscow Vedomosti" M. N. Katkova in connection with the resolution of the publication of the Russian Bulletin journal, about the appointment of V. F. Korsha and the Assistant editor K. N. Bestumev-Ryumin.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)

Note Mikhail Nikiforovich Katkova for publications of the newspaper "Moscow Vedomosti"

Valuev Petr Alexandrovich, Graf (1814-1890).Interior Minister, Minister of State Protection, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers, Member of the State Council.Note by Mikhail Nikiforovich Katkova for publications of the newspaper "Moscow Vedomosti".
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)