Bolshakova Alisa Konstantinovna (born 1935)

Bolshakova Alisa Konstantinovna (born 1935)

The quarterly sheet of the assessment of knowledge and behavior of a student of class 1b of the 335th school of the mountains. Of Leningrad Volodarsky district Yanovskaya Alyssa for 1943/1944 studies. year

The quarterly sheet of the assessment of knowledge and behavior of a student of class 1b of the 335th school of the mountains. Of Leningrad Volodarsky district Yanovskaya Alyssa for 1943/1944 studies. year. Leningrad, 1943-1944.
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The fourth sheet of the assessment of knowledge and behavior of the pupil of grade 3a of the 335th school of the mountains. Of Leningrad Volodarsky district Zolina Alla for 1945/1946 studies. year

The fourth sheet of the assessment of knowledge and behavior of the pupil of grade 3a of the 335th school of the mountains. Of Leningrad Volodarsky district Zolina Alla for 1945/1946 studies. year. Leningrad, 1945-1946.
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Former blockade schoolgirls are found in the school museum. From left to right: Alekseeva Lyudmila Vladimirovna, Khmeleva Galina Stepanovna, Bolshakova Alisa Konstantinovna, Simamkova Tamara Vasilyevna. School number 346, St. Petersburg

Former blockade schoolgirls are found in the school museum. From left to right: Alekseeva Lyudmila Vladimirovna, Khmeleva Galina Stepanovna, Bolshakova Alisa Konstantinovna, Simamkova Tamara Vasilyevna. School number 346, St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg, 2017.
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XX Regional Competition of School Museums of Nevsky District Guides, November 9, 2016

Regional competition of guides of school museums of the Nevsky District (20; St. Petersburg; 2016). XX Regional Competition of School Museums of Nevsky District Guides, November 9, 2016. St. Petersburg, 2016.
Из частного собрания

На с. 3: Темы экскурсий участников конкурса: ... Борщева Екатерина, 11 кл., ОУ № 346. "Алиса Большакова - девочка из блокады".