Materials relating to Ivan Krylov’s biography
Materials relating to Ivan Krylov’s biography
Russian archive.G. June 1868, 2
Russian archive.Moscow: university press (Katkov and K °), 1863-1917.G. June 1868, 2 in 1868.
РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена
Russian antiquity. G. 29 1898, T. 93, book. 1-3, January-March
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg: B. and. G. 29, 1898, P. 93, book. 1-3, January-March: G. 29 1898, T. 93, book. 1-3, January-March. 1898.
Содерж.: Модзалевский Б. Л. И. А. Крылов: (новые данные для его биографии). С. 152-154 [сканы 160-162].
- Work in the Imperial Public Library
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917). Fund Department of Public Education. The case of the appointment of II. Gnedich and I.A. Krylov librarians and scribes V.Ya. Antickson and M.E. Lobanov Assistant Librarian
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917).
Russia. Ministry of Education. Department of Public Education. The case of the appointment of II. Gnedich and I.A. Krylov librarians and scribes V.Ya. Antickson and M.E. Lobanov assistant librarian. 1816.Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917). Fund Department of Public Education. The case of a report to the director that the collegiate assessor Krylov and provincial secretary Sopikov were given state apartments, and the quart
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917).
Russia. Ministry of Education. Department of Public Education. The case of a report to the director that collegiate assessor Krylov and provincial secretary Sopikov were given state apartments, and apartment money was assigned to the provincial secretary Lobanov and 14th class Utkin. 1816.Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917). Fund Department of Public Education. Cases about the appointment of M.N. Zagoskina assistant librarian, on raising him in office, on giving him leave, on firing him
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917).
Russia. Ministry of Education. Department of Public Education. Cases about the appointment of M.N. Zagoskina assistant librarian, on raising him in office, on granting him leave, on his dismissal and on the replacement of his IA. Krylov. 1818-1820.Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917). Fund Department of Public Education. The case of the task of managing the library for the duration of the director's stay in Moscow to the members of the economic committee of AI. Krasovsky, I.A.
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917).
The case about the assignment of library management for the duration of the director's stay in Moscow to the members of the economic committee of A.I. Krasovsky, I.A. Krylov and S.V. Vasilievsky. 1826.Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917). Fund Department of Public Education. The case on the presentation of the Director of the Public Library on the awarding of the librarians I.A. Krylova, A.Kh. Vostokov and
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917).
Russia. Ministry of Education. Department of Public Education. The case on the presentation of the Director of the Public Library on the awarding of the librarians I.A. Krylova, A.Kh. Vostokova and S.V. Vasilievsky. 1830-1831. - Krylov scholarship
The case of the Minister of Finance for the Krylovo Prize of Three Tickets of the State Commercial Bank
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.The case of the Minister of Finance for the Krylovsky Prize of Three Tickets of the State Commercial Bank.Речь идет о Крыловской стипендии.
The case on the appointment of the Krylov scholarships.The scholars who used scholarships by I. A. Krylov are mentioned
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.The case on the appointment of the Krylov scholarships.The scholarships used by scholarships of I. A. Krylov are mentioned.The case of the arrival and expenditure of money on the capital Krylov scholarship
Department of Public Education, Ministry of Public Education.
The case of the arrival and expenditure of money for capital Krylov scholarship.The case of preserving the scholarship holder of the fabulist of Krylov, Serdyukov, the scholarship received by him and at the university for those who completed the course in the Larinsky gymnasium
Department of Public Education, Ministry of Public Education.
The case of preserving for the graduates of the Larin Gymnasium scholarship scholar Krylov, Serdyukov, the scholarship received by him and at the university. - Selling of Ivan Krylov’s publications
Instruction on the breeding of Spanish sheep and proper looking after them, compiled by K. Bergstraser
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917).
Russia. Ministry of Education. Department of Public Education. The case of contracting with the book sellers Glazunov and Zaikin for a four-year maintenance of 6 stores, with him are the terms of the contract. Immediately on the appointment of apartment money to Semishnovsky, Krylov, Popov, Kozlovsky, Laskovsky and Sapikov, and an increase in the salary of scribes Atkinson, Belshchinsky and Kalashnikov; about the award of Krylov to the collegiate assessors and the dismissal of the scribe Krylov. 1814...The Case of Krylov's Fables
Department of Public Education, Ministry of Public Education.
The case of Krylov's fables.О продаже издания басен И. А. Крылова.
The case of the purchase of "Fables" Krylov
Department of Public Education, Ministry of Public Education.
The case of buying Krylov's "Fables".The case of the acquisition of Krylov's fables published by him among booksellers Jungmeister among 2,500 copies
Department of Public Education, Ministry of Public Education.
The acquisition of Krylov's fables published by him from the bookseller Jungmeister is among 2,500 copies.The case of the acquisition from the bookseller Jungmeister of Krylov's fables of the publishing house of 1854, in the amount of 3 thousand copies
Department of Public Education, Ministry of Public Education.
The acquisition of the Krylov fables from the publishing house in 1854, in the amount of 3 thousand copies, from the bookseller Jungmeister.The case of the acquisition from the bookseller Jungmeister of 3 thousand copies of Krylov's fables, a cheap edition
Department of Public Education, Ministry of Public Education.
The acquisition of 3,000 copies of Krylov's fables, a cheap publication, from the bookseller Jungmeister.The case of acquiring from the bookseller Jungmeister three thousand copies of Krylov's fables of a cheap edition
Department of Public Education, Ministry of Public Education.
The acquisition of three thousand copies of Krylov's fables from the book publisher Jungmeister.The case of the acquisition of three thousand copies of "Basen" Krylov from the bookseller Jungmeister
Department of Public Education, Ministry of Public Education.
The acquisition of three thousand copies of "Basen" Krylov from the bookseller Jungmeister. - Translations of Ivan Krylov’s works into languages of peoples of the Russian Empire
The case on the proposal of the trustee of the Odessa school district, on the investigation of the request of the nobleman I. Syrba about the introduction of some of the Krylov, Chemnitser and Dmitriev fables into Moldovan language in educational institutions in the Bessarabian region
Department of Public Education, Ministry of Public Education.
The case was initiated by the trustee of the Odessa school district, and the result of a request from a nobleman I. Syrba to introduce some of the Krylov, Chemnitser and Dmitriev fables into the Moldovan language in educational institutions in the Bessarabian region.The case of acquiring 105 copies of the book he published under the name Tikum Meshalim from the resident of the Reichsaons in Vilna, that is, Fables of Krylov
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917).
The case of acquiring 105 copies of the book he published under the name Tikum Meshalim from the resident of the Reichherson Jew in Vilna. Krylov's fables.
Содерж.: Кеневич В. Ф. Лев Андреевич Крылов, брат баснописца и его переписка с Иваном Андреевичем (1799-1823). Столб. 239-266 [сканы 42-55].