Biography of the writer
The experience of the biography of Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
Student notes, lecture notes by N. V. Gogol-Yanovsky, A. A. Fisher, D. P. Popov, F. B. Grefe on history, anthropology, logic, languages, etc., including an excerpt from an unidentified person’s letter about to the defense of M. S. Kutorova of the thesis "The Copen and the Attic Estates" [July 1838] for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Student notes, lecture notes by N. V. Gogol-Yanovsky, A. A. Fisher, D. P. Popov, F. B. Grefe on history, anthropology, logic, languages and others, including an excerpt from a letter an unidentified person on the defense of M. S. Kutorogi of the thesis of the Copen and the Attic Communities [July 1838] for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
The case against Count Nesselrode about the supply of a passport of the writer Nikolai Gogol
The case against Count Nesselrode about the supply of foreign passport writer Nikolai Gogol.
Russian bulletin. 1862. P. 37. [No. 1]. January
1862. P. 37. [No. 1]. January. 1862.
Russian archive. [G. 15] 1877, [Vol. 3], № 10
[y. 15] 1877, [Vol. 3], No. 10. 1877.
Contents: L. Matsiyevich. Gogol and Kukolnik in the Nezhin School of Higher Art. P. 191-194 [scans 81-84].
Student years of Gogol
N.V. Gogol and his new biographer
Materials for Gogol's biography.T. 1
Materials for Gogol's biography.T. 2
Materials for Gogol's biography.T. 3
- Correspondence
Three letters to N.V. Gogol, written in 1848
Бухарев, Александр Матвеевич (1822-1871). Три письма к Н. В. Гоголю, писанные в 1848 году. Санкт-Петербург : в типографии Морского министерства, 1860.Russian antiquity. G. 6 1875, [v. 14, book. 10], October
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.
G. 6 1875, [t. 14, book. 10], October. 1875.Contents: B. S. Shevyrev, notes by Prof. O. F. Miller. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol and his unpublished letters. 1843-1845. P. 297-327 [scans 89-119].
Russian antiquity. G. 6 1875, [v. 14, book. 12], December
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.
G. 6 1875, [t. 14, book. 12], December.Contents: B. S. Shevyrev, notes by Prof. O. F. Miller. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol and his unpublished letters to friends, 1847-1852: (conclusion). P. 651-683 [scans 61-93].
Russian archive. 18. 18. 1880. Book. 2
Русский архив. Москва: Университетская типография (Катков и К°), 1863-1917.
Г. 18 1880, кн. 2. 1880.Contents: A. S. Pushkin’s notes and Gogol’s letters to him. P. 509-515 [scans 369-375].
Russian bulletin. 1888. T. 199. [№ 11]. November
Russian bulletin.
1888. T. 199. [No. 11]. November. St. Petersburg: Type. T-va "Public benefit", 1888.Contents: I. A. Bychkov. Unpublished letters of Gogol and Zhukovsky. P. 60-70 [scans 68-78].
Русская старина. Г. 20 1889, т. 63, июль-сентябрь
Russian old man.St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.G. 20 1889, vol. 63, July-September.1889.Contents: V. I. Shenrok. Friends and acquaintances of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol in their letters to him in 1836-1847. P. 363-385 [scans 379-401].
Russian archive. [G. 27] 1889, [book. 1] No. 4
Russian archive. Moscow: University Printing House (Katkov and Co.), 1863-1917.
[y. 27] 1889, [book. 1] No. 4. 1889.Contents: Two letters from M. S. Shchepkin to N. V. Gogol about Moscow theatres and the production of Gogol’s comedies (1836 and 1842). P. 555-558 [scans 33-36].
Russian bulletin. 1890. T. 211. [No. 11]. November
Russian bulletin.
1890. T. 211. [No. 11]. November. St. Petersburg: Type. T-va "Public benefit", 1890.Contents: Y. K. Grot. Pletnev’s letters to Gogol. 1844-1851. P. 33-68 [scans 39-74].
Русская старина. Г. 21 1890, [Т. 67], июль
Russian old man.St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.G. 21 1890, [T.67], July.1890.Contents: V. I. Shenrok. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Letters to him from A. O. Smirnova, née Rosset, 1846-1847 / P. 195-212 [scans 199-216].
Russian antiquity. 1890 [T. 67. Book. 8]. August
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg: B. and., 1890.
1890 [T. 67. Book. 8]. August. 1890.Contents: V. I. Shenrok. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Letters to him from A. O. Smirnova, née Rosset, 1846-1847 / P. 195-212 [scans 199-216].
Russian antiquity. G. 47 1916, V. 166, book. 6, June
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg: B. and. G. 47 1916, V. 166, book. 6, June: G. 47 1916, V. 166, book. 6, June. [Petrograd: Type. Imp. uch. deaf and dumb], 1916.Contents: N. Lerner. N. V. Gogol’s letter to V. I. Grigorovich. P. 392-393 [scans 82-83].
Optina of deserts
Chetverikov, Sergius (Archpriest).Optina of deserts.Paris: Ymca Press, [1930].Письмо Н. В. Гоголя с просьбой о молитве. С. 163-164 (сканы 177-178)
Contents: L. Arnoldi. The Memory of Gogol. P. 54-95 [scans 60-101].