The Government Inspector
The Government Inspector
The case on the petition of the rector of St. Petersburg University Pletnev about staging Shchepkin benefit scene: "The outcome of the auditor" Gogol
Directorate of Imperial Theaters MFA.
The case at the request of the rector of the St. Petersburg University Pletnev about staging Shchepkin benefit scene: "The outcome of the auditor" Gogol.
The case at the request of the rector of the St. Petersburg University Pletnev about staging Shchepkin benefit scene: "The outcome of the auditor" Gogol.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
Auditor N. V. Gogol on the stage of the Molotov Drama Theater
Auditor N. V. Gogol on the stage of the Molotov Drama Theater. [Molotov]: OGIZ. Molotov Regional Publishing House, 1945.
Забайкальская КУНБ