The Swan Canal by the Summer Garden
The Swan Canal by the Summer Garden
Summer Garden master plan and drawings for deepening the Swan Canal in St. Petersburg
Plans and drawings of waterways and highways (collection).
The master plan of the Summer Garden and drawings for deepening the Swan Canal in St. Petersburg.
The master plan of the Summer Garden and drawings for deepening the Swan Canal in St. Petersburg.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
Leningrad, Verkhne-Lebyazhy bridge and the lattice of the Summer Garden
Leningrad, the Upper Lebyazhy Bridge and the lattice of the Summer Garden.
Балаченкова, Н. В., частное собрание
Leningrad. Verhne-Swan Bridge. Merit activities claim thin A.P. Ostroumova-Lebedeva
Leningrad. Verhne-Swan Bridge. Merit activities claim thin A.P. Ostroumova-Lebedeva.
Балаченкова, Н. В., частное собрание
Swan Bridge at the Summer Garden
Swan Bridge at the Summer Garden.
Балаченкова, Н. В., частное собрание
Leningrad. On the Swan Canal at the Summer Garden
Leningrad. On the Swan Canal at the Summer Garden.
Детский музей открытки
Leningrad. Summer garden. Swan channel. 1710s
Leningrad. Summer garden. Swan channel. 1710s
Детский музей открытки