Publications featuring illustrations and reproductions of Ilya Repin’s paintings

Publications featuring illustrations and reproductions of Ilya Repin’s paintings

The twelfth year: Essay on the history of the Fatherland. war / Vasenko PG; With the pref. prof. S.F. Platonov. - 2 nd ed., With portraits, figures, maps. and with a copy in paints with a picture of IE. Repin

The twelfth year: Essay on the history of the Fatherland. war / Vasenko PG; With the pref. prof. S.F. Platonov. - 2 nd ed., With portraits, figures, maps. and with a copy in paints with a picture of IE. Repin. 1912.
Военно-исторический Музей артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи МО РФ

Картина И. Е. Репина «Защитники Кремля» (сканы 5-7)