Social structure
Social structure
- Estates
Ryazan county in the late XVI and early XVII centuries.on cadastres
Szymanski, Michael.Ryazan county in the late XVI and early XVII centuries.scribe of the books.Ryazan: provincial house, 1911.Ryazan
Moscow: Type. M.G. Volchaninov, 1884.Scribe of Ryazan Region. XVI century. T. 1, vol. 1
Scribe of Ryazan Region. XVI century. T. 1, vol. 1.
Ryazan: the publication of the Ryazan Scientific Archival Commission., 1898-1904. 1898.Scribe of Ryazan Region. XVI century. T. 1, vol. 2
Scribe of Ryazan Region. XVI century. T. 1, vol. 2.
Ryazan: publication of the Ryazan Scientific Archival Commission, 1898-1904. 1900.Scribe of Ryazan Region. XVI century. T. 1, vol. 3
Scribe of Ryazan Region. XVI century. T. 1, vol. 3.
Ryazan: publication of the Ryazan Scientific Archival Commission, 1898-1904. 1904.Statistics of land ownership in 1905. 4. The Ryazan Province
Статистика землевладения 1905 г.Санкт-Петербург, 1906-1907.
Вып. 4: Рязанская губерния. 1906.Essays on the social life of the Ryazan Region
Selivanov, Anton Zinovievich. Essays on the social life of the Ryazan Region. Ryazan: The researchers of Ryaz. edge, 1930 [reg. 1931].- Nobles
Composition of the Ryazan nobility in the tenth of the seventeenth century
Storozhev, Vasily Nikolayevich (1866-1924). Composition of the Ryazan nobility in the tenth of the seventeenth century.
Ryazan: the type. Lips. 1891.Ryazan landowners of the 18th century
Solodovnikov, Dmitry Dmitrievich. Ryazan landowners of the XVIII century. Ryazan: Spassk. 1922.Photocopy of certificates of Alexander I and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna rescript nobility of Ryazan province
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Photocopy of certificates of Alexander I and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna rescript nobility of Ryazan province.The alphabetical list of the noble families of the Ryazan province, entered in the noble genealogical book on January 1, 1893
Likharev, Matvey Pavlovich An alphabetical list of noble families of the Ryazan province, entered into the noble family tree book on January 1, 1893.
Ryazan: the type. M.S. Orlova, 1893.Ryazan landowners and their serfs
Povalishin, AD Ryazan landlords and their serfs. Ryazan: Type. Brotherhood of St. Vasily, 1903. - Peasants
The Provision on the Improvement of the Life of the Landlord Peasants of the Ryazan Province, compiled by the Provincial Committee
Ryazan Province. noble committee on the organization of life of the landed peasants. The Provision on the Improvement of the Life of the Landlord Peasants of the Ryazan Province, compiled by the Provincial Committee. Moscow, 1859.
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