Rail transport

Rail transport

About the permission of construction of the Tyumen-Omsk railway. The plan of directions of lines Ekaterinburg-Kurgan and Tyumen-Omsk on additional researches of 1908

Council of Ministers (1905-1917).
About the permission of construction of the Tyumen-Omsk railway; The plan of directions of lines Ekaterinburg-Kurgan and Tyumen-Omsk on additional researches of 1908.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский Гоударственный Исторический Архив" (РГИА)

1907-1909. 220 л.

  • Herald of Omsk Railway. Omsk, 1925-1926.

    Edition of the Management Board of the Siberian Corporate Insurance Partnership. A single issue was released (October) in 1919 in Novonikolaevsk (now Novosibirsk). Sections of the magazine: Insurance business laws and regulations; Articles and notes about all kinds of insurance business in various forms of its conduct, as well as on all types of corporate insurance; Chronicle of insurance and firefighting in Siberia, Russia and abroad; In the Siberian Corporate Insurance Partnership (chronicle and reviews); Reviews of the general and special press about insurance; Correspondence; Bibliography; Reference information, announcements.

    Presented issues: 1919.