Shub-Teklina, Zinaida Youlevna (1909—1977)

Shub-Teklina, Zinaida Youlevna (1909—1977)

Statement by the chairman of the factory committee factory № 349 to them.Rayzdrav OGPU in the Vyborg district of Leningrad with a request to take the nursery children citizen Shub-Teklinoy Zinaida Yulyevna - Shub Love 3 years old and 1 1/2 year of David

Statement by the chairman of the factory committee factory № 349 to them.Rayzdrav OGPU in the Vyborg district of Leningrad with a request to take the nursery children citizen Shub-Teklinoy Zinaida Yulyevna - Shub Love 3 years and David 1 1/2 years.Leningrad, November 8, 1941.
Из частного собрания

Petition Committee of the Vyborg promote military enlistment office chief physician medical unit LOMO comrade.Terentyeva VG on the improvement of the living conditions of the capital stock of the medical service of Shub-Teklinoy Z. Yu

Petition Committee of the Vyborg promote military enlistment office chief physician medical unit LOMO comrade.Terentyeva VG on the improvement of the living conditions of the capital stock of the medical service of Shub-Teklinoy Z. Yu.Leningrad, March 20, 1970.
Из частного собрания
