- Population (demography, migration)
- Population сensuses
First General Census of the Russian Empire in 1897 30. Penza Province
First General Census of the Russian Empire in 1897 [St. Petersburg]: publication of the Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1899-1905. Film 30: The Penza province. 1903.
- Society
Subcultural identity of modern city youth (for example, Saransk)
The subcultural identity of modern city youth (for example, Saransk).2014.- Ethnic composition
Holy.Peter Merdobolsky.Ethnographic information about the inhabitants of the mountains.Saransk
Holy.Peter Merdobolsky.Ethnographic information about the inhabitants of the mountains.Saransk.1849.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахNational Policy of the Russian Federation in the context of political modernization
Abramov, Ruslan Nikolaevich (Candidate of Political Sciences).National policy of the Russian Federation in conditions of political upgrades.Saratov, 2013.- Mordva
The Kazan province. Part 2. [Tatars. Meshcheryaki. Chuvashi. Cheremis. Votyaki. Mordva]
Rittich. Alexander Fedorovich. 1831-. The Kazan province. Kazan: type. Kazan. un-ta, 1870.
Part 2: [Tatars; Meshcheryaki; Chuvashes; Cheremiss; Votyaki; Mordva].A preliminary outline of the information on the Mordovians in the literature
Maynov, Vladimir Nikolayevich (1845-1888). A preliminary outline of the information on the Mordovians in the literature. [Saint-Petersburg]: Type. V. Bezobrazov and Co., [1877].The results of anthropological observations among the Mordovians
Maynov, Vladimir Nikolayevich (1845-1888). The results of anthropological observations among the Mordovians.
[St. Petersburg]: type. V. Bezobrazov and Co., [1878].The results of anthropological research among the Mordva-Erzy
Maynov, Vladimir Nikolayevich (1845-1888). The results of anthropological research among the Mordva-Erzi.
St. Petersburg: The Printing House of AS Suvorin, 1883.Essay on the legal life of the Mordovians
Maynov, Vladimir Nikolayevich (1845-1888). Essay on the legal life of the Mordva. St. Petersburg: Printing house of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1885.The program for collecting information about the life of the Mordovians
Smirnov, Ivan Nikolayevich (1856-1904). The program for collecting information about the life of the Mordvinians.
[Kazan: Typo-lit. Imp. University, 1893].Mordva
Smirnov, Ivan Nikolayevich (1856-1904). Mordva. Kazan: type. Un-ta, 1895.IN Smirnov. Eastern Finns. Historical and ethnographic essay. T. 1. Privolzhskaya or the Bulgarian group. Part 1. Cheremis. Part 2. Mordva. T. 2. Prikomskaya [i.e. Prikamskaya] or the Perm group. Part 1. Votyaki. Part 2. Permyaki
Anuchin, Dmitry Nikolayevich (1843-1923). IN Smirnov. Eastern Finns. Historical and ethnographic essay. T. 1. Privolzhskaya or the Bulgarian group. Part 1. Cheremis. Part 2. Mordva. T. 2. Prikomskaya [i.e. Prikamskaya] or the Perm group. Part 1. Votyaki. Part 2. Permiaks.
[St. Petersburg]: type. Imp. acad. Sciences, 1898.Eastern Finns. Historical and ethnographic essays by IN Smirnov. I, 1. Cheremisy, Kazan, 1889 I, 2. Mordva, Kazan, 1895. II, 1. Votyaki, Kazan, 1890. II, 2 Permiaks, Kazan, 1891.
Settele, Emile Nestor (1864-1935). Eastern Finns. Historical and ethnographic essays by IN Smirnov. I, 1. Cheremisy, Kazan, 1889. I, 2. Mordva, Kazan, 1895. II, 1. Votyaki, Kazan, 1890. II, 2 Permiaks, Kazan, 1891 ..
St. Petersburg: type . Imp. Acad. Sciences, 1898.... The alien population of the Kazan province. Issue. 1. Tatars, Votyaks, Mordovians
Bobrovnikov. Nikolay Alekseevich. 1854-1921. ... The alien population of the Kazan province. Kazan: P.V. Shchetinkin, 1899.
Vol. 1: Tatars, Votyaks, Mordvins. 1899.Сканы 71-80
Russian historical geography. [Issue. 2]. Mordva
Kuznetsov, Stefan Kirovich (1854-1913). Russian historical geography. [Issue. 2]: Mordva. Film Moscow: Synod. type., 1910-1912. Moscow: Printed by AI Snegireva, 1912.Nikolay Nal hum.To the history and ethnography of the Mordovians of the Insarsky district (village Paevo and Penevo).A brief historical essay.And an article in memory of Nikolai Petrovich Barsov.The cover letter of the author is applied.
Nikolay Nal hum.To the history and ethnography of the Mordovians of the Insarsky district (village Paevo and Penevo).A brief historical essay.And an article in memory of Nikolai Petrovich Barsov.The cover letter of the author is applied. 1906.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахMordovian ethnographic collection
Shakhmatov, Alexey Alexandrovich (1864-1920). Mordovian ethnographic collection.
St. Petersburg: Type. Imp. Acad. Sciences, 1910.Saratov Mordva. Mordovian ethnographic collection. Compiled by AA Shakhmatov. St. Petersburg. 1910
Zelenin, Dmitry Konstantinovich (1878-1954). Saratov Mordva. Mordovian ethnographic collection. Compiled by AA Shakhmatov. St. Petersburg. 1910. [Saint-Petersburg]: Type. M-va ways of communication, tv IN Kushnerev and Co., 1910.Gelons and Mordvins. Issue. 1. Gelons
Semenovich, Vladimir Nikolayevich (1861-). Gelons and Mordvins. Issue. 1: Gelons.
Moscow: Pechatnia A.I. Snegirevoy, 1913. 1913.News of the Society of Archeology, History and Ethnography at the Kazan State University named after V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin. T. 29. Issue. 4
News of the Society of Archeology, History and Ethnography at the Kazan State University named after V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin.
T. 29. Issue. 4. 1916.From the life of the Mordvins of the Kuchenyaev village, Alatyrsky district of Simbirsk province / N. Maslennikov. pp. 188-195 (scans 72-79)
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахSaratov Mordva
Geraklitov, Alexander Alexandrovich (1867-1933).Saratov Mordva.[Saratov]: Sarpolygraphpprom, [1926].Relations between Russians and Mordvos in History and in the Field of Folk Poetry in Connection with the Question of the Origin of the Great Russian Tribe
Markov, Alexei Vladimirovich (1877-). Relations between the Russians and the Mordvinians in history and in the field of folk poetry in connection with the question of the origin of the Great Russian tribe. Film Tiflis: Type. Office of the Governor EI V. in the Caucasus, 1914.Mordovian population of the Penza region, its past and present state
Mordovian population of the Penza region, its past and present state.[Penza]: Publication of agitation and propaganda department of the Provincial Committee of Penza V.K.P. (b) 1927.Plants in the way of life of Mordovians living in the territory of Mordovia: historical and ethnographic aspect
Plants in the way of life of Mordovians living in the territory of Mordovia: historical and ethnographic aspect.2011.The traditions of preparing the children of the Mordovian people for the future family life in the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries.
Chekmayeva, Yuliya Viktorovna The traditions of the preparation of the children of the Mordovian people for the future family life in the second half of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th centuries. Moscow, 2011.Beads of the Middle-Mordvinian Mordva as a historical source
Beads of the Middle-Mordvinian Mordovians as a historical source. 2014.Tsninskaya Mordva.Joining the Moscow state in the XVI - the first quarter of the XVII century
Napolnikova, Polina Konstantinovna.Tsninskaya Mordva.Joining the Moscow state in the XVI - the first quarter of the XVII century.Tambov, 2017.Mordva. Part 2
Mordva. Part 2. - Other nations
Traditional culture of nutrition of the Russian population of Mordovia (end of XIX-the beginning of the 21st century.)
Popova, Svetlana Vasilievna. Traditional culture of nutrition of the Russian population of Mordovia (end of XIX-the beginning of XXI centuries). Cheboksary, 2011.The customary law of the Russian population of Mordovia: historical and ethnographical aspect
Fishbase, Olga Viktorovna. The customary law of the Russian population of Mordovia: historical and ethnographical aspect. Cheboksary, 2011.Peoples of the Caucasus in a multicultural space of the Republic of Mordovia
Shevtsova, Anna Aleksandrovna. Peoples of the Caucasus in a multicultural space of the Republic of Mordovia. Cheboksary, 2012.
- Social activity
Mordovia in the years of the three folk revolutions.Part 1. Chronicle of revolutionary events.1895-May 1918
Zakharkina.Alexandra Egorovna.Mordovia during the years of three folk revolutions.Saransk: Mordovian Book Publishing House, 1957.Part 1: Chronicle of revolutionary events.1895-May 1918. 1957.- October revolution
1917th year in Mordovia
Kupupashkin, Tikhon Efimovich.1917 year in Mordovia.Saransk: Mordovsky Book Publishing House, 1939. - 1936 Constitution of the Soviet Union. Discussion
Information reports on the discussion of the draft Constitution of the USSR on the Mordovian ASSR
Central Executive Committee of the USSR (CEC CEC).Information reports on the course of discussion of the draft Constitution of the USSR on the Mordovian ASSR. - Perestroika
Mordovia in the years of perestroika (1985-1991): power and society
Ogrina, Galina Egorova. Mordovia in the years of perestroika (1985-1991): power and society. Saransk, 2013.
- Religion
The case of the delivery of copies to the commission from the decree on September 4, 1744 "On the severity of the Mordovians to be bonded"
Commission for the preparation of laws under the State Council.The case of the delivery of a copy to the commission from the decree on September 4, 1744 "On the unbaptization of the Mordovians to be bonded."Historical description of the Temnikovsky Sanaksar Monastery
Tikhon (Tsiplyakovsky, Yakov Grigorievich; Igumen; -1896).Historical description of the Temnikovsky Sanaksar Monastery.Dathers: Typography A. M. Danilova, 1888.Impact of Orthodox culture on the life support system of the Mordvins
Jaushkina, Natalia Nikolaevna. Impact of Orthodox culture on the life support system of the Mordvins. Saransk, 2014.Zastatny monastery, the continuation of history
Zastatny monastery, the continuation of history.Фильм из цикла "Монастырские стены" из коллекции документальных фильмов Русского Исторического Канала. В фильме повествуется об истории Санаксарского Рождество-Богородичного мужского монастыря в контексте общероссийской истории. Особое внимание уделяется особенностям развития заштатного монастыря, историческому значению подвижнической жизни монахов.
- Science and education
The case of the opening of the county school in Krasnoslobodsk Penza province
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.The case of the opening of the county school in the city of Krasnoslobodsk Penza province.Case on the establishment of a county school in the city of Ardatov Symbirian province
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.The case of the establishment of a county school in the city of Ardatov of the Symbirian province.The case of the opening of a male gymnasium or a real school in the city of Saransk
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case of the opening of a male gymnasium or a real school in the city of Saransk.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахOn the petition of the Insar Uezd Zemsky Assembly of the Venzenskaya Guberniya. on the transformation of the Insara Women's Gymnasium into a gymnasium and a city school into a real
Russia. Council of Ministers On the petition of the Insar Uezd Zemsky Assembly of the Venzenskaya Guberniya. on the transformation of the Insara Women's Gymnasium into a gymnasium and a city school into a real one.
1909.The case of the opening of the teacher's seminary in the city of Saransk Penza province
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case of the opening of the teacher’s seminary in the city of Saransk of the Penza province.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахRGIA
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case of the introduction of universal training in the city of Saransk of the Penza province of the Kharkov school district.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe case of the introduction of universal training in the city of Saransk of the Penza province of the Kharkiv training district
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case of the introduction of universal training in the city of Saransk of the Penza province of the Kharkov school district.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах - Culture
Mordovian wedding
Evsevev, Makar Evsevich (1864-1931). Mordovian wedding. [St. Petersburg: Type. SN Khudekova, 1892].The funeral customs of Mordovians
Russian Geographical Society.The manuscripts of the works of the Penza province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Sectors, Peter.The funeral customs of Mordovians.From the life of the Mordva villages Kuchenyaeva, Alatyrsky county Simbirsk province
Maslennikov, Nikolay Ivanovich From the life of the Mordva village Kuchenyaeva, Alatyrsky county Simbirsk province.
[Kazan: Typo-lit. The Imperial University, 1915].Proceedings. Issue. 3. Clothes of the Mordovian Moksha of the Krasnoslobodinsky and Bednodemyanov districts of the Penza province
Penza Regional Museum of Local Lore. Proceedings. Penza: Privolzhskoe Publishing House, 1926-1970. Film Sprygina, Nonna Ivanovna (1880-1953). Issue. 3: Clothing of the Mordovian Moksha of the Krasnoslobodinsky and Bednodemyanov districts of the Penza province. 1928.Housing complex in the traditional culture of Mordovians in Mordovia
Housing complex in the traditional culture of Mordovians in the territory of Mordovia.2013.About the promotion
Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin). On the promotion. Moscow, 2007.За активное участие в подготовке и проведении Международного фестиваля национальных культур финно-угорских народов (Саранск, город; Мордовия, Республика ; 2007)
- Tourism, sports
About the International Sports Forum "Russia - a Sports Power" in 2011
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). On the holding of the International Sports Forum "Russia - a Sports Power" in 2011. Moscow, 2010.
- Cartographic materials
County School in Saransk Penza Province.Facades and plans of the main building, flaghel and services;master plan.Architect I. G. Riss
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.County School in Saransk Penza Province.Facades and plans of the main building, flaghel and services;master plan.Architect I. G. Riss.County School in Insar Penza Province.Facades, household plans and Flegel, master plan.Architect I. G. Riss
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.County School in Insar Penza Province.Facades, household plans and Flegel, master plan.Architect I. G. Riss.Penza province.The plan and the facade of the intended building in the Penza province in the county town of Insar of the district hospital for 50 beds
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Penza province.The plan and the facade of the alleged building in the Penza province in the county town of Insar of the circumferential hospital on 50 beds.Penza province.Plan and facade of the structure, consisting in Insar, donated landlord Bakhmev, for the premises of the city hospital
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Penza province.Plan and facade of the structure, consisting in Insar, donated landowner Bahmev, for the premises of the city hospital. - Graphic materials
The building of the county Zemstvo Government in Ardatov Nizhny Novgorod province
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.The building of the county area in the city of Ardatov, Nizhny Novgorod province.Chapel, built in 1868 in the city of Ardatov Nizhny Novgorod province
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Chapel, built in 1868 in the city of Ardatov, Nizhny Novgorod province.The building of the Ardatov region hospital in the Nizhny Novgorod province
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.The building of the Ardatovskaya hospital in the Nizhny Novgorod province.Laddle Building on Arzamas Street in the city of Ardatov Nizhny Novgorod province
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Laddle building on Arzamas Street in the city of Ardatov Nizhny Novgorod province.The first district meeting of women communities of Mordovia.Saransk.December.1928 TsGA of the Republic of Mordovia.R.6169-P.OP.1. D. 305.
The first district meeting of women communities of Mordovia.Saransk.December.1928 TsGA of the Republic of Mordovia.R.6169-P.OP.1. D. 305.1928.1928
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахCourses of the Mordovian Regional and Russian District Parthenet./ Photo by V.K.Levushkina.Saransk.1929 TsGA of the Republic of Mordovia.R.6169-P.OP.1. D. 310.
Courses of the Mordovian Regional and Russian District Parthenet./ Photo by V.K.Levushkina.Saransk.1929 TsGA of the Republic of Mordovia.R.6169-P.OP.1. D. 310.1929.1929
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe first issue of the Central Volga Regional Regional Mordovian Soviet Party School (1928-1930).1930 TsGA of the Republic of Mordovia.R.6169-P.OP.1. D. 376.
The first issue of the Central Volga Regional Regional Mordovian Soviet Party School (1928-1930).1930 TsGA of the Republic of Mordovia.R.6169-P.OP.1. D. 376.1930.1930
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe first Mordovian district conference of the poor groups.1930 TsGA of the Republic of Mordovia.R.6169-P.OP.1. D. 395.
The first Mordovian district conference of the poor groups.1930 TsGA of the Republic of Mordovia.R.6169-P.OP.1. D. 395.1930.1930
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахParticipants in the fifth plenum of the Mordovian regional committee of the Komsomol.Saransk.January 13-15, 1930 TsGA of the Republic of Mordovia.R.6169-P.OP.1. D. 363.
Participants in the fifth plenum of the Mordovian regional committee of the Komsomol.Saransk.January 13-15, 1930 TsGA of the Republic of Mordovia.R.6169-P.OP.1. D. 363.1930.1930
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe first regional congress of the Union of Education Workers.1931 TsGA of the Republic of Mordovia.R.6169-P.OP.1. D. 406.
The first regional congress of the Union of Education Workers.1931 TsGA of the Republic of Mordovia.R.6169-P.OP.1. D. 406.1931.1931
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахK.M.Tyagushev is one of the founders of the Mordovian Drama Theater in the city of Saransk.Saransk.1930 TsGA of the Republic of Mordovia.R.6169-P.OP.1. D. 348.
K.M.Tyagushev is one of the founders of the Mordovian Drama Theater in the city of Saransk.Saransk.1930 TsGA of the Republic of Mordovia.R.6169-P.OP.1. D. 348.1930.1930
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
Сканы 220-224, 249