Region in faces
Region in faces
Glory to Penza multiplied. T. 1. [A-L]
Tyustin, Alexander Vasilyevich (local historian, 1941-). Glory to Penza multiplied. Penza: Iceberg, 2012-2013.
T. 1: [A-L]. 2012.
T. 1: [A-L]. 2012.
Пензенская ОБ
Glory to Penza multiplied. T. 2. [M-T]
Tyustin, Alexander Vasilyevich (local historian, 1941-). Glory to Penza multiplied. Penza: Iceberg, 2012-2013.
T. 2: [M-T]. 2012.
T. 2: [M-T]. 2012.
Пензенская ОБ
Glory to Penza multiplied. T. 3. [Wu]. Supplements [A-T]
Tyustin, Alexander Vasilyevich (local historian, 1941-). Glory to Penza multiplied. Penza: Iceberg, 2012-2013.
T. 3: [W-I]. Supplements [A-T]. 2013.
T. 3: [W-I]. Supplements [A-T]. 2013.
Пензенская ОБ
Penzhaki in the history of Russia. Vasily Glazunov
Penzhaki in the history of Russia. Vasily Glazunov. [Penza]: The Penza Regional Library. M. Yu. Lermontov, 2014.
Пензенская ОБ
Penzhaki in the history of Russia. Petr Durnovo
Penzhaki in the history of Russia. Peter Durnovo. [Penza]: The Penza Regional Library. M. Yu. Lermontov, 2015.
Пензенская ОБ
Penzhaki in the history of Russia. Marshal Krylov
Penzhaki in the history of Russia. Marshal Krylov. [Penza]: The Penza Regional Library. M. Yu. Lermontov, 2014.
Пензенская ОБ
Penzhaki in the history of Russia. Alexander Suvorov
Penzhaki in the history of Russia. Alexander Suvorov. [Penza]: The Penza Regional Library. M. Yu. Lermontov, 2014.
Пензенская ОБ
Penzhaki in the history of Russia. Alexey Turishchev
Penzhaki in the history of Russia. Alexei Turishchev. [Penza]: The Penza Regional Library. M. Yu. Lermontov, 2014.
Пензенская ОБ
Penza - St. Petersburg
Saltykov, Konstantin (1872-1932).Penza - St. Petersburg.Penza: Penza Regional Library.Lermontov, 2016.
Penza ON
К. М. Салтыков (1872–1932) – сын писателя М. Е. Салтыкова-Щедрина, чиновник и журналист, проживал в Пензенской губернии в 1907-1928 гг.