Characteristics of the Penza province in agriculture
Burlutsky, A. Characteristics of the Penza province in the agricultural sense. Penza: Typo-lithography of VN Umnova, 1898.
Пензенская ОБ
Research experience of the Penza province and southeastern Russia agriculturally.Part 2. Pests of Agriculture in European Russia at the head of the struggle which, according to a century of experience in Western Europe, have to stand up local self-government, with organized during these agricultural societies or congresses.Part 3: Measures to raise agriculture in Southeast Russia
Dubovitsky.Dmitri Ivanovich.Research experience of the Penza province and southeastern Russia agriculturally.Penza: steam Tipo-lithography NN Molochnikova 1903.Part 2: Pests European Russian agriculture led the struggle which, according to a century of experience in Western Europe, have to stand up local self-government, with organized during these agricultural societies or congresses;Part 3: Measures to raise agriculture in the South-East of Russia.1903.
Penza ON
Penza Province in respect zhivotnovodstvennom
Kramarenko K. I.Penzenskaya province in zhivotnovodstvennom respect.Penza: steam Tipo-lit.partnership AI Rapoport A. and M. Goldstein 1916.
Penza ON
Review of Agricultural Penza Province.and main directions of its recovery.Part 1
Penza Provincial Land Office.Review of Agricultural Penza Province.and main directions of its recovery.Penza: Tipo-lithographed.Gubsovnarhoza № 3, 1922.Part 1.
Penza ON
Peasant cattle and measures to improve it in the Penza province
Pots, Stepan D. (1895).Peasant cattle and measures to improve it in the Penza province.Penza: The publication of the Penza District Land Office 1928.
Penza ON
The face of the village
Rosnitsky, Nikolai Andreevich. The face of the village. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1926; Leningrad.
Пензенская ОБ
Statistical review of forestry in the Penza province
Baum, Otto Matveyevich (1813-1876). Statistical review of forestry in the Penza province. Penza: printed in the Penza province printing house, 1872.
Пензенская ОБ
Essays on truck farming in the Penza province
Christianovich, Victor Petrovich (1882-). Essays on truck farming in the Penza province. Penza: publication of the Penza Central Agricultural Association, 1913.
Пензенская ОБ