Domestic civil type publications of the XVIII century
Domestic civil type publications of the XVIII century
Notes, proper to the history, sciences, arts, customs, customs, and so on. Chinese, composed by preachers of Christian faith in Beijing. T. 6
Notes, proper to the history, sciences, arts, customs, customs, and so on. Chinese, composed by preachers of Christian faith in Beijing. Moscow: in the University Press, in N. Novikov, 1786-1788.
T. 6. 1788.
T. 6. 1788.
The experience of the interpretation of gieroglyphs and inscriptions located on some ancient coins, published in Latin by the court adviser, the teacher’s seminary as director and royal Getting scholars of society by the correspondent Ivan Koch;And into the Russian language translated by the college assessor Evgeny Syreshchikov
Koch, Ivan.The experience of the interpretation of gieroglyphs and inscriptions located on some ancient coins, published in Latin by the court adviser, the teacher’s seminary as director and royal Getting scholars of society by the correspondent Ivan Koch;And into the Russian language translated by the college assessor Evgeny Syreshchikov.St. Petersburg: imp.Type., 1788.
Russian Time, Sire, a chronicler containing Russian history from 6370/862 summer to 7189/1681 summer.Part 1. From 6370/862 summer to 6949/1441 summer
Russian Time, Sire, a chronicler containing Russian history from 6370/862 summer to 7189/1681 summer.Part 1: from 6370/862 of summer to 6949/1441 summer.1790.
Russian Time, Sire, a chronicler containing Russian history from 6370/862 summer to 7189/1681 summer.Part 2. From 6949/1441 summer to 7189/1681 summer
Russian Time, Sire, a chronicler containing Russian history from 6370/862 summer to 7189/1681 summer.[Moscow: B. I.], 1790.Part 2: from 6949/1441 summer to 7189/1681 summer.[1790].
Guide to antiquities and memorials of Moscow.Part 1
Guide to antiquities and memorials of Moscow.Part 1. 1792.
Guide to antiquities and memorials of Moscow.Part 2
Guide to antiquities and memorials of Moscow.Moscow: University Type., At V. Zorokov, 1792-1793.Part 2. 1792.
Lovers and spouses, or men and women [some]
Gromov, Gleb Ivanovich (about 1762-1830).Lovers and spouses, or men and women [some].In St. Petersburg: at the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1798.