Republic of Crimea (Simferopol; Yalta)

Republic of Crimea (Simferopol; Yalta)

Cathedral Alexander Nevsky.Plan, facade

Plans and drawings of civil architecture (collection).Cathedral Alexander Nevsky.Plan, facade.
Federal State Institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Simferopol. Constructed in 1826–1829, demolished in 1930, restored in 2003–2015.

Letters (4) M. Kochubei from the city of Yalta to KP Pobedonostsev about the construction in Yalta of the Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky

Pobedonostsev Konstantin Petrovich (1827-1907).
Letters (4) M. Kochubey from the city of Yalta to KP Pobedonostsev about the construction of Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Yalta.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Yalta. Constructed in 1891-1902.