Structure of the Don Cossack Host
Structure of the Don Cossack Host
Coat of arms of the Don city of Cherkaska 1803
Coat of arms of the Don city of Cherkaska 1803 [b.m.: b.And., 1803].
Ga Ro.
Historical certificates of military seals of the Don Troops
Popov, Khariton Ivanovich (1834-1925).Historical references about the military seals of the troops of the Donsky.[B.m.: b.And., 1884-1925].
Ga Ro.
Print the troops of Donsky
Popov, Khariton Ivanovich (1834-1925).Print the troops of the Donsky.[B.m.: b.And., 1884-1925].
Ga Ro.
Mrink on the eradication of "thieves and robbers" in Cossack villages
The grades about the eradication of "thieves and robbers" in the Cossack villages.[B.m., 1738].
Ga Ro.
The certificate of military officer Orlova to the Khoperskysky District Chief, Major M. Yermolaev about the Cossacks at the Ataman Argument District for two years
The certificate of military officer Orlova to the Khoperskyskyskysky Chief, Major M. Yermolaev about the Cossacks at the Atamic Armor District for a period of two years.[B.M: b.And., 1798].
Ga Ro.
Note of an unspecified person "Details of the Don Board and some to institutions related to notes" with an application list of changes in the control system on the Don from 1775 to 1804
Vasilchikov, princes.Possed by an unspecified person "Details of the Don Board and some to institutions related to notes" with an application of a list of changes in the management system on the Don from 1775 to 1804.
Federal State Institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)
Regulations on the administration of the Don army
Russia. Laws and regulations. Regulations on the administration of the Don troops. St. Petersburg: Voen. type., 1835.
Statistical Review of the Don Cossacks for 1868
Savel'ev Andronicus Minayevich (-1875).Statistical Review of the Don Cossacks for 1868.Novocherkask: Donskoy.military 1869.
Regulation on the management of common troop capital of the Don Cossack Army
Don Cossack Host.Regulation on the management of common troop capital of the Don Cossack Army.[St Petersburg type.Schroeder 1871].
- Local government bodies
Decisions of the Don military circle
Resolutions of the Don military circle.B. m: B. and., [1917].A collection of laws adopted by the Great Military Circle of the Almighty Army of the Donskoy 4 convocation to 1 session on August 15-20, 1918
Denikin Anton Ivanovich, Lieutenant General, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces in the south of Russia.A collection of laws adopted by the Great Military Circle of the Almighty Army of the Donskoy 4 convocation to 1 session on August 15-20, 1918