Civil legislation
Correspondence relating to the explanation of the Code. Comments of the Director of the Department of the Ministry of Justice Degaya on the Land Law. Letters to Speransky A. Taneyev and D. V. Dashkov on issues related to the Code of Laws
The authentic journals of the General Meeting of the State Council
1821-1822. 259 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 36.
Two different projects Speransky "Introduction to the Civil Code of Civil Law and the Code of Laws of the Land. Introduction of a common "
1828. 40 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 110.
Commission for drafting laws and II branch of SEIVK.
Ober-prosecutors and ober-secretaries on articles of civilian laws, also changes offered by some pretrial places.1845 - 1847.
1845–1847. 149 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 211.
Commission for drafting laws and II branch of SEIVK.
Verification of Volume X of the Code of Laws (civil laws) by the Chief Secretaries of the Governing Senate
1830-1831. 267 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 138.
Five notebooks of the Committee's observations on verification of articles of the Code on Volume X of the Code of Laws, 1-2 notebooks of Art. 1359-1434, 1544-1547, 2136-2174; 3 Notebook art. 2348-2412; 4-5 notebooks art. 1396-1471
1830-1831. 348 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 139.
Note of comments on articles of the Code of Laws Volume X
1830-1831. 453 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 140.
Speranskii's rough papers for 1822-1827, 1832 on the issue of a new code
1827. 24 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 52.
Commission for drafting laws and II branch of SEIVK.
- Succession right
Note: "Discourse on the right of inheritance by law"
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Note: "Discourse on the right of inheritance by law."
1821.1821. 187 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 28.Draft rules for the presentation of spiritual testaments
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Draft regulations on the presentation of spiritual testaments.
1823-1824.1823-1824. 22 л.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 56.On the addition of the law on the spiritual will
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). On the addition of the law on the spiritual will. 1829.1829. 19 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 124.Extracts from foreign inheritance laws in the ascending line
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Extracts from foreign legacy laws in the ascending line. 1824.1824. 108 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 61.Items contained in the Russian State Law on the inheritance
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). The subjects contained in the Russian State Law on the inheritance.
1824.1824. 126 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 62.Paper concerning the issue of tie.1839-1842
Paper concerning the issue of tie.1839-1842. 1839.1839–1842. 88 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 193.Black papers related to the Majoratesows, "Koi did not take place."1840-1841
Black papers related to the Majoratesows, "Koi did not take place."1840-1841.1840.1840–1841. 196 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 199. - Property right
General introduction to the chapters of the Code on the division of estates
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). General introduction to the chapters of the Code on the division of estates.
1822.1822. 12 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 41.The papers relating to the rules for the supervision of estates being in the purchase department
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Paper dealing with the rules for supervision of estates being in the buying-out department.
1829-1830.1829-1830. 16 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 127.VA Dashkov's letter to his brother DV Dashkov about the means to protect noble estates from ruin
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). VA Dashkov's letter to his brother DV Dashkov about the means to protect noble estates from ruin.
1831.1831. 8 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 144.Explanations to the draft resolution on the notification of prohibitions on real estate
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Explanations to the draft resolution on the notification of prohibitions on immovable property consisting.
1822.1822. 22 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 47.Note by the current Stat Counselor Citizen V.P.Zavadovsky about the means to preserve the integrity of family and generic estates, with his own resolution of Emperor Nicholas I. 1834
Note by the current Stat Counselor Citizen V.P.Zavadovsky on the means to preserve the integrity of family and generic estates, with his own resolution of Emperor Nicholas I. 1834.1834.1834. 10 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 167. - Civil Code
Speransky's explanations on 1, 2, 3, 4 of the chapter of the first part of the Civil Code
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Explanation Speransky on 1, 2, 3, 4 of the first part of the Civil Code.
1810-1812.1810-1812. 133 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 9.Part Three of the Civil Code Project in 19 chapters
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Part Three of the Draft Civil Code in 19 chapters.
1813-1816.1813-1816. 240 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 14Notes on Part III of the Civil Code
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Notes on the third part of the Civil Code.
1813-1816.1813-1816. 168 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 13.Chronological register of legal acts on subjects contained in the three parts of the draft Civil Code
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Chronological register of legal acts on subjects contained in three parts of the draft Civil Code.
1822.1822. 87 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 43.Comments of the members of the State Council on the first part of the Civil Code. 1821-1822 gg.
Kashkarov, Dmitry Dmitrievich (1863-). Views on politics, war, military affairs and the military Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev / D.D. Kashkarov. - St. Petersburg: type. M.M. Stasyulevich, 1893.-VIII, 260 p. ; 21. -
Bibliography: "Sources" (pp. III).
. I. Skobelev, Mikhail Dmitrievich (1843-1882). Source of the electronic copy: PB1821-1822. 275 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 34).Defense on chapter 5, 6, 8 and 9 I of civilian deposits
Paper M. M. Speransky.Defense on chapter 5, 6, 8 and 9 I of part of civilian deposits.1821-1822. 443 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 35).Copies from Speransky's two notes on the number of sessions devoted to the Civil Code
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Copies from Speransky's two notes on the number of sessions devoted to the Civil Code.
1821-1822.1821-1822. 4 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 37.Letter of Prince. AN Golitsyn Speransky of January 8, 1822 (with the annexes)
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Letter of Prince. AN Golitsyn Speransky on January 8, 1822 (with the annexes).
1822.1822. 74 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 50.
A detailed list of the views of the Holy Governing Synod on the sixth chapter of the Draft Civil Code, based largely on the views of the Holy Synod submitted during the reign of Catherine the Great.A cover letter from Prince Lopukhin addressed to Speransky
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). A cover letter from Prince Lopukhin to Speransky.
1822.1822. 42 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 42.
On correcting chapters I – V of the first draft of the Civil Code.Letter of Prince Lopukhin Speransky from March 18, 1822 with the journals of the State Council on the correction of 8, 9, 10 and 11 chapters of the Civil Code
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Letter of Prince Lopukhin Speransky from March 18, 1822 with the journals of the State Council on the correction of 8, 9, 10 and 11 chapters of the Civil Code.
1822.1822. 22 л.
РГИА. Ф. 1251. Оп. 1, Ч. 1. Д. 46.Letter of Prince Lopukhin to Speransky on July 12, 1822.
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Letter of Prince Lopukhin to Speransky from July 12, 1822.
1822.1822. 66 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 45.
On correcting chapters X – XIV of the first part and chapters I – IX of the second part of the draft Civil Code.Letter of Prince. Lopukhin Speransky with the transmission of the Journal of the Law Drafting Commission on the correction of the 10th and 11th chapters of Part II of the Civil Code
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Letter of Prince. Lopukhin Speransky with the transmission of the Journal of the Drafting of Laws on the correction of 10 and 11 chapters of Part II of the Civil Code.
1823.1823. 11 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 54.Letter of Prince. Lopukhin with the transmission of eleven magazines of the Commission with new editions of all chapters of the 11th part of the draft Civil Code
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Letter of Prince. Lopukhin with the transmission of eleven magazines of the Commission with new editions of all chapters of the 11th part of the draft Civil Code.
1824.1824. 121 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 60.Disparate papers relating to the changes in the Civil Code after consideration by the State Council
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Disparate papers relating to the changes in the Civil Code after consideration by the State Council. 1823-1824.[1823-1824]. 18 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 4.Draft Part III of the Civil Code. Correspondence of Speransky and Balugiansky with various persons on the affairs of the II Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Draft Part III of the Civil Code. Correspondence of Speransky and Balugiansky with various persons on affairs of II Branch of His Own Imperial Majesty of the Chancery.
1826-1839.1826-1839. 82 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 87.Chenovik paper for the preparation of civilian deposits (on the draft black plants M.M. Speransky).B / D.
Chenovik paper for the preparation of civilian deposits (on the draft black plants M.M. Speransky).b / d.б/д. 203 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 216.
1837-1841. 15 p.
Commission for drafting laws and II branch of SEIVK.