Population base and composition of workers in Russia
Population base and composition of workers in Russia
The number and composition of workers in Russia on the basis of the data of the first universal census of the Russian Empire's population is 1897. T. 1
The number and composition of workers in Russia on the basis of the data of the first general census of the population of the Russian Empire of 1897 [St. Petersburg]: steam type-lit.N.L.Ukrkin, 1906.T. 1. 1906.
The number and composition of workers in Russia on the basis of the First General Population Census of the Russian Empire of 1897. T. 2
Number and composition of workers in Russia on the basis of data from the First General Population Census of the Russian Empire of 1897. T. 2.
[St. Petersburg]: steam typo-lit. N.L. Nyrkina, 1906. [St. Petersburg]: steam typo-lit. NL Nyrkina, 1906.
[St. Petersburg]: steam typo-lit. N.L. Nyrkina, 1906. [St. Petersburg]: steam typo-lit. NL Nyrkina, 1906.