History of Syria. 20th century

History of Syria. 20th century

Transcript of a conversation of the Soviet chargé d'affaires ad interim in France M. Rozenberg and the Soviet military attaché in France S. Ventsov-Krants with Lieutenant X regarding the strategic importance of Syria, the problem of the Polish Corridor, Franco-Polish relations, the situation in the Far East, and a possible Anschluss of Austria. Copy

Transcript of a conversation of the Soviet chargé d’affaires ad interim in France M. Rozenberg and the Soviet military attaché in France S. Ventsov-Krants with Lieutenant X regarding the strategic importance of Syria, the problem of the Polish Corridor, Franco-Polish relations, the situation in the Far East, and a possible Anschluss of Austria. Copy.
26 August 1933
Russian State Military Archives

Member of the Political Committee of the Political Secretariat of the Comintern Executive Committee Dimitrov gives the speech “The Advance of Fascism and the Goals of the Comintern in Assuring the Unity of the Working Class in the Fight against Fascism” at the VII Comintern Congress in Moscow. Photograph.

Member of the Political Committee of the Political Secretariat of the Comintern Executive Committee Dimitrov gives the speech “The Advance of Fascism and the Goals of the Comintern in Assuring the Unity of the Working Class in the Fight against Fascism” at the VII Comintern Congress in Moscow. Photograph.
September 22, 1935
Russian State Archives of Social and Political History

Agrarian question and peasant movement.T. 4. Japan.Korea.China.Manchuria.India.Indo-China.Indonesia.Turkey.Egypt.Syria.Palestine.Iraq.Algeria.Tunisia.Abyssinia.Belgian Congo.Rwanda.Urundi.Angola.

Agrarian question and peasant movement.Moscow: International Agrarian Institute, 1935-1937.T. 4: Japan; Korea; China; Manchuria; India; Indo-China; Indonesia; Turkey; Egypt; Syria; Palestine; Iraq; Algeria; Tunisia; Abyssinia; Belgian Congo; Rwanda;Urundi; Angola.1937.

Chapter "Syria" (scans 227–239)