New encyclopedic dictionary. T. 1. A - Alexander Mikhailovich
St. Petersburg: FA Brockhaus and IA Efron, [1912] -. [191-].
Encyclopedic Dictionary. T. 11a. Evreinovy - Gilon
St. Petersburg: FA Brokgauz, IA Efron, 1890-1907. 1894.
«Egyptian coins» (scan 60)
«Egyptian art» (scans 60–72)
«Egypt» (scans 72–100)
Encyclopedic Dictionary. T. 13a. Historical Journals - Kalajdovich
St. Petersburg: FA Brokgauz, IA Efron, 1890-1907. 1894.
«Cairo» (scan 481)
New encyclopedic dictionary. 28. Narushevich-Newton
St. Petersburg: FA Brockhaus and IA Efron, [1912] -. [191-].
«Nile» (scans 363–364)
- Geography
The latest narrative description of all four parts of the world ,. Part 4. About Asia in general, on the northern, middle, or upper and southern Asia; about Africa in general, northern, middle and southern Africa, and about the African islands; about Amer
The latest narrative description of all four parts of the world ,. In St. Petersburg: Under the Imperial Academy of Sciences, in 1795.
Part 4: About Asia in general, about northern, middle, or upper, and southern Asia; about Africa in general, northern, middle and southern Africa, and about the African islands; about America in general, about northern and southern America; Such is the newly-discovered lands that are little known and are part of; about the sea and ship-swimming and about the flow of the most famous rivers on the globe.1795.Chapter «Egypt» (scans 106–111)
The newest general geography. or Description of all parts of the world in Europe, Asia, Africa, America and South India; with the history of the peoples and all states from the beginning of these to our times, with the new addition of Russian geography in
Guthrie, William (1708-1770). The newest general geography. or Description of all parts of the world in Europe, Asia, Africa, America and South India; with the history of the peoples and all states from the beginning of these to our times, with the new addition of Russian geography in its present state, with the description of the Bialystok region and Finland, with Russian history from the beginning of the origin of the Russians, to the days of the now reigning emperor Alexander I. St. Petersburg: 1809. Ch. 3: [Asia, Africa, America and South India]. 1809.Chapter «Egypt» (scans 74–79)
The latest and detailed land description of Europe, Asia, Africa, America and South India, in this state of every state. Part 3
Gaspari, Adam Christian (1752-1830). The latest and detailed land description of Europe, Asia, Africa, America and South India, in this state of every state. In St. Petersburg: in the printing house of Ivan Glazunov, 1810.
Part 3. 1810.Chapter «Egypt» (scans 134–138)
Earthworking of famous ancient light from different sources.Part 1. Containing the introduction, General Review of Ancient Light, Description of Ancient Asia and Description of Ancient Africa
Brut.Alexander Ivanovich.1799-.Earthworking of famous ancient light from different sources.St. Petersburg: Typography of the Medical Department of the Ministry of the Interior, 1828-1830.Part 1: Containing the introduction, General Review of Ancient Light, Description of Ancient Asia and Description of Ancient Africa.1828.Chapter «Egypt» (scans 274–299)
The logocation of the Gibraltar Strait and the Mediterranean Sea, containing the shores of Spain, France and Italy;Islands of Balearic, Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia and Maltic;Adriatic Sea;Coast of Karamania, Syria and Africa, with a description of beacons and tables of lard and longitude
The logocation of the Gibraltar Strait and the Mediterranean Sea, containing the shores of Spain, France and Italy;Islands of Balearic, Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia and Maltic;Adriatic Sea;The shores of Karamania, Syria and Africa, with the description of the beacons and the tables of the latitudes and the longitude of the main points.Nikolaev: Type.Chernomor.Hydrogr.Depot, 1846.Chapter «Coasts of Libya and Egypt» (scans 642–654)
Location of the Mediterranean Sea.Part 5. The South Coast of Turkey, the banks of Syria, Palestine, Egypt and Libya
Location of the Mediterranean Sea.Leningrad: edition of the hydrographic department of the Navy of the USSR, 1941-1950.Part 5: The South Coast of Turkey, the banks of Syria, Palestine, Egypt and Libya.1948.Chapter «Coast of Egypt. From the el-ʻArīsh City to the Ra's ‘Azzāz Cape» (scans 145–192)
- History
- History of the state legal system
Legal notes issued by the Demidov legal lyceum. 1911, vol. 1 (7)
Demidov Legal Lyceum (Yaroslavl). Legal notes issued by the Demidov legal lyceum. Yaroslavl, 1908-1914.
1911, issue. 1 (7): 1911, vol. 1 (7). 1911.B. N. Freze. Greek-Egyptian private law documents (scans 133–150)
The legal bulletin. G. 12 1880, [v. 4], No. 8, August
The legal bulletin. Moscow, 1867-1892.
G. 12 1880, [v. 4], No. 8, August: G. 12 1880, [t. 4], No. 8, August. 1880.L. Kamarovsky. On the Mixed Courts of Egypt (scans 79–106)
Herald of Europe. G. 44 1909, [v. 6], book. 12, December
Herald of Europe. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918.
G. 44 1909, [Vol. 6], book. 12, December. 1909.Y. Lavrinovich. Constitutional movement in Egypt (scans 334–344)
Bulletin of Soviet Justice. 1925, No. 13 (47)
Bulletin of Soviet Justice. Kharkov: The Legal Publishing House of the NKYU of the Ukrainian SSR, 1922-1928.
1925, No. 13 (47): 1925, No. 13 (47). 1925.A. Gladstern. Constitution of Egypt (scans 3–8)
- Ancient Egypt
Krata Repoa or Initiation into the ancient secret society of Egyptian priests.
Köppen, Karl Friedrich (1734-1798). Krata Repoa or Initiation into the ancient secret society of Egyptian priests. Moscow: Type. I. Lopukhina, 1784.Guide to general history.Part 1 [Introduction.I. The history of ancient Egypt and Asian countries.II.The history of the development and spread of the Greek people before the collapse of the Macedonian monarchy.III.Rome's history and extend its dominion until Christmas X
Lorenz.Friedrich Karlovich.historian.1803-1861.Guide to general history.St. Petersburg: the printing of military schools, 1845-1855.Part 1: [Introduction.I. The history of ancient Egypt and Asian countries.II.The history of the development and spread of the Greek people before the collapse of the Macedonian monarchy.III.Rome's history and extend its dominion BC].1845.About Egypt (scans 43–56)
Russian Bulletin.T. 87, June 1870
Russian Bulletin.Moscow: Edition M. Katkova, 1856-1906.T. 87, June 1870. 1870.Египетский могильный мир: публичное чтение Генриха Бругша (сканы 222–244)
Country sphinxes and pyramids
Pimenov, E.Strana sphinxes and pyramids.St. Petersburg: Izd ONPopova 1906.Niva.G. 43. 1912. № 3
Niva.St. Petersburg, 1896.G. 43. 1912. No. 3. 1912.A. M. Nagayeva. Ancient Egypt (scans 12–17)
Of oriental motifs. [Issue. 1]
Rozanov, Vasily Vasilyevich (1856-1919). Of oriental motifs. Petrograd: Sirius, 1916-.
[Issue. 1]. 1916.Philosophical composition on Ancient Egyptian civilization
- Napoleon Bonaparte’s campaign in Egypt (1798-1801)
The Saint-Cloud magazine of Napoleonic celebrated cases, golden sayings and great measures in Italy, France, Egypt, Germany, Spain and Russia, containing in itself a faithful drawing of the famous donations of the Napoleonic people, raised to conquer the whole world and for the glory
St. Cloud of Napoleonic celebrated cases, golden sayings and great measures in Italy, France, Egypt, Germany, Spain and Russia, containing a faithful drawing of the famous donations of the Napoleonic people, raised to conquer the whole world and to glorify their great name. Moscow: B. and., 1814.
Part 1. 1814.The Saint-Cloud magazine of Napoleonic celebrated cases, golden sayings and great measures in Italy, France, Egypt, Germany, Spain and Russia, containing in itself a faithful drawing of the famous donations of the Napoleonic people, raised to conquer the whole world and for the glory
St. Cloud of Napoleonic celebrated cases, golden sayings and great measures in Italy, France, Egypt, Germany, Spain and Russia, containing a faithful drawing of the famous donations of the Napoleonic people, raised to conquer the whole world and to glorify their great name. Moscow: B. and., 1814.
Part 2. 1814.The Saint-Cloud magazine of Napoleonic celebrated cases, golden sayings and great measures in Italy, France, Egypt, Germany, Spain and Russia, containing in itself a faithful drawing of the famous donations of the Napoleonic people, raised to conquer the whole world and for the glory
St. Cloud of Napoleonic celebrated cases, golden sayings and great measures in Italy, France, Egypt, Germany, Spain and Russia, containing a faithful drawing of the famous donations of the Napoleonic people, raised to conquer the whole world and to glorify their great name. Moscow: B. and., 1814.
Part 3. 1814.The Saint-Cloud magazine of Napoleonic celebrated cases, golden sayings and great measures in Italy, France, Egypt, Germany, Spain and Russia, containing in itself a faithful drawing of the famous donations of the Napoleonic people, raised to conquer the whole world and for the glory
St. Cloud of Napoleonic celebrated cases, golden sayings and great measures in Italy, France, Egypt, Germany, Spain and Russia, containing a faithful drawing of the famous donations of the Napoleonic people, raised to conquer the whole world and to glorify their great name. Moscow: B. and., 1814.
Part 4. 1814.French Expedition to Egypt
Napoleon I (Fr. imp, 1769-1821). Expedition of the French in Egypt. Moscow: Univ. type., 1832. - XX Century
Декларация в защиту Абиссинии, подписанная компартиями Южной Африки, Палестины, Египта, Сирии, Ирака, Италии и коммунистическими организациями Алжира и Туниса, утвержденная Секретариатом Исполкома Коминтерна
Member of the Political Committee of the Political Secretariat of the Comintern Executive Committee Dimitrov gives the speech “The Advance of Fascism and the Goals of the Comintern in Assuring the Unity of the Working Class in the Fight against Fascism” at the VII Comintern Congress in Moscow. Photograph.Agrarian question and peasant movement.T. 4. Japan.Korea.China.Manchuria.India.Indo-China.Indonesia.Turkey.Egypt.Syria.Palestine.Iraq.Algeria.Tunisia.Abyssinia.Belgian Congo.Rwanda.Urundi.Angola
Agrarian question and peasant movement.Moscow: International Agrarian Institute, 1935-1937.T. 4: Japan; Korea; China; Manchuria; India; Indo-China; Indonesia; Turkey; Egypt; Syria; Palestine; Iraq; Algeria; Tunisia; Abyssinia; Belgian Congo; Rwanda;Urundi; Angola.1937.Chapter "Egypt' (scans 197–212)
Commander-in-Chief of the Eastern theater of operations M. Weygand (in the center) and Commander-in-Chief of the Middle East A. Wavell (left). Egypt: photograph
Французский главнокомандующий на Восточном театре военных действий М. Вейган (в центре) и британский главнокомандующий на Среднем Востоке (в Восточном Средиземноморье и Северной Африке) А. Уэйвелл (слева). Египет : фотография.Cipher telegram of the plenipotentiary envoy of the USSR in Bulgaria A.I. Lavrentyev to the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR about the conversation with the envoy of Germany in Bulgaria G. Riethofen about the actions of the Anglo-Fren
Ф. 059.
Шифртелеграмма полпреда СССР в Болгарии А. И. Лаврентьева в НКИД СССР о беседе с посланником Германии в Болгарии Г. Ритхофеном о действиях англо-французских войск на Балканах, в Сирии и Египте.Cipher telegram of the plenipotentiary representative of the USSR in Great Britain I.M.Maisky to the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR about a conversation with the Minister of War of Great Britain A. Eden about Germany's preparations
Ф. 059.
Шифртелеграмма полпреда СССР в Великобритании И. М. Майского в НКИД СССР о беседе с министром по делам войны Великобритании А. Иденом о приготовлениях Германии к вторжению в Англию и о военных контрмерах британского правительства, об ожидании германо-итальянского наступления в Египте и Ливии, о состоянии советско-английских отношений.Cipher telegram of the plenipotentiary of the USSR in Great Britain I.M.Maisky to the first deputy people's commissar for foreign affairs of the USSR A. Ya. Vyshinsky on the internal political situation in Egypt and the strengthening of British positions
Ф. 059.
Шифртелеграмма полпреда СССР в Великобритании И. М. Майского первому заместителю наркома иностранных дел СССР А. Я. Вышинскому о внутриполитической обстановке в Египте и укреплении британских позиций.Note by the USSR People's Commissar of State Security V.N.Merkulov to the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR and the NKVD of the USSR with the text of the telegram fro
Ф. 3-ос.
Записка наркома госбезопасности СССР В. Н. Меркулова в ЦК ВКП(б), НКИД СССР и НКВД СССР с приложением текста телеграммы посла Великобритании в СССР С. Криппса в МИД Великобритании от 2 мая 1941 г. о новой пропагандистской линии Германии о невозможности войны с СССР до окончания кампании на Ближнем Востоке и в Египте.
«Alexandria» (scans 487–492)