- The 100th anniversary
The People's Teacher. G. 6. 1911. № 9-10. May
The People's Teacher. Moscow: Worker of Education, 1924-1935; Leningrad.
G. 6. 1911. № 9-10. May. 1911. - The 150th anniversary
V. G. Belinsky
Penza Pedagogical Institute.V. G. Belinsky.V. G. Belinsky.Penza: Book publishing house, 1961.- Memorable medals and badges
Badge for the 150th birthday of V. G. Belinsky
The badge for the 150th anniversary of the birth of V. G. Belinsky.Medal "150 years since the birth of V. G. Belinsky"
Medal "150 years since the birth of V. G. Belinsky."
Voznesensky. In memory of V. G. Belinsky: (Marking the 100th anniversary of his birth) P. 1-2 [scans 3-4].