Administrative Department
Administrative Department
Correspondence between the Petrograd Soviet and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies of the Far East (Amur, Primorye and Khabarovsk provinces) on the allocation of the Amur and Primorye provinces to a special area, the unhindered advancement of political emigrants to Russia, the establishment of a full port-franco in the Amur region and on other issues
All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies of the First convocation.
Correspondence between the Petrograd Soviet and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies of the Far East (Amur, Primorye and Khabarovsk provinces) on the allocation of the Amur and Primorye provinces to a special area, the unhindered advancement of political emigrants to Russia, the establishment of a full port-franco in Priamursky Krai and other issues.
Correspondence between the Petrograd Soviet and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies of the Far East (Amur, Primorye and Khabarovsk provinces) on the allocation of the Amur and Primorye provinces to a special area, the unhindered advancement of political emigrants to Russia, the establishment of a full port-franco in Priamursky Krai and other issues.
Дело о переименовании города Алексеевска Амурской области в город Свободный; о присоединении села Спасского к городу Олекминску Якутской области и об административном переустройстве Приморской области острова Сахалин
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
Two years of Soviet power in the Amur province
The Amur lips. executive committee. councils
Two years of Soviet power in the Amur province.
Blagoveshchensk: Printing house of the Amurskaya Pravda, 1925.
Blagoveshchensk: Printing house of the Amurskaya Pravda, 1925.
About the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the formation of the Amur Region
Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin).
On the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the formation of the Amur Region. Moscow, 2007.
On the Acting Governor of the Amur Region
Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin).
On the acting governor of the Amur region. Moscow, 2007.