Foreign Policy Activity of the Region

Foreign Policy Activity of the Region

The agreement on the intentions to conclude a friendly agreement between the municipality of Ichanba of the Republic of Korea and the mayor's office of the city of the city of Birobidzhan of the Jewish Autonomous Region of the Russian Federation

        Agreement on the intentions to conclude a friendly agreement between the municipality of Ichanba of the Republic of Korea and the city administration of the city of Birobidzhan city of the Jewish Autonomous Region of the Russian Federation.
Ichanba, 2010.
Биробиджанская ОУНБ

Agreement on the establishment of sister-city relations between the municipal entity "City of Birobidzhan" of the Jewish Autonomous Region of the Russian Federation and the city of Yichun of Heilongjiang Province of the People's Republic of China

        Agreement on the establishment of sister-city relations between the municipal entity "City of Birobidzhan" of the Jewish Autonomous Region of the Russian Federation and the city of Yichun of Heilongjiang Province of the People's Republic of China.
Birobidzhan, 2011.
Биробиджанская ОУНБ