Economic Geography
Economic Geography
- Industry and crafts
Russian thought. G. 25 1904, book. 6 (June)
Russian thought. Moscow, 1880-1923, 1927.
G. 25 1904, the book. 6 (June). 1904.Conclusion of the oil section on the adoption of special measures for the development of oil deposits. Sakhalin and the petition of the board of the Russian Far Eastern Industrial Joint Stock Company for the expiration of the period for permissible certificates for oil exploration
Conclusion of the oil section on the adoption of special measures for the development of oil deposits on. Sakhalin and the petition of the board of the Russian Far Eastern Industrial Joint Stock Company for the expiration of the period for permissible certificates for oil exploration on the company's exploration areas on. Sakhalin.- Fisheries
To help the fishing collective farms of Sakhalin
Petrashkevich, K. K. To help the fishing collective farms of Sakhalin. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: printing house Blancoizdatelstva number 1, 1948.
- Agriculture
Essay on the island of Sakhalin in agriculture
Mitsul, Mikhail Semenovich Essay on the island of Sakhalin in agriculture.
Saint Petersburg: Public Access. a type. or T. AE Landau and Co., 1873. - Trade
On the authorization of duty-free foreign trade in the ports of the Amur and Sakhalin Island
Russia. Siberian Committee. On the authorization of duty-free foreign trade in the ports of the Amur region and the island of Sakhalin. 1857. - Employment
Social capital as a factor of competition of the subjects of the regional labor market
Gerasimchuk, Darya Nikolaevna (candidate of sociological sciences). Social capital as a factor of competition of the subjects of the regional labor market. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 2015. - Customs
On the strengthening of government supervision in the Chukchi Peninsula, Kamchatka and about. Sakhalin, the establishment of customs supervision in Kamchatka and the Sakhalin Island, the establishment of the procedure for the operation of Russian security
Russia. Council of Ministers On the strengthening of government supervision in the Chukchi Peninsula, Kamchatka and about. Sakhalin, the establishment of customs supervision in Kamchatka and the Sakhalin Island, the establishment of the procedure for the operation of Russian security vessels in the northern waters of the Pacific Ocean, the return to private exploitation of land on the river. Wolf on the Chukchi Peninsula, on the activities of the Northeastern Siberian Society.
1908-1913. - Transport and routes of communication
KP Pobedonostsev's letters to Baron Emanuel A. Shteingel, correspondent of the Chief Administration of Horse Breeding in Novgorod Province, with gratitude for the sent icons and other donations; about difficulties with sending cargo to Sakhalin by the ves
Pobedonostsev Konstantin Petrovich (1827-1907).
Letters to K.P. Pobedonostsev Baron Emanuil A. Shteingel, correspondent of the Chief Administration of Horse Breeding in the Novgorod Province, with gratitude for the sent icons and other donations; about the difficulties with sending cargo to Sakhalin by the vessels of the Voluntary Fleet in connection with the war. - Means of communication. Post. Telegraph
On the conclusion of an agreement with Japan on the connection of Russian and Japanese telegraph lines on Sakhalin Island, in Korea and Manchuria
Russia. Council of Ministers On the conclusion of an agreement with Japan on the connection of Russian and Japanese telegraph lines on Sakhalin Island, in Korea and Manchuria. Film of 1914.
Sakhalin as a colony [About natural resources of Sakhalin and their development] / A. Seycha (scans 181–205)