Science and Culture

Science and Culture

  • Bulletin of the Arctic Institute of the USSR

    A significant number of materials are dedicated to the expeditions and stations on the territory of Chukotka.

    • Bulletin of the Arctic Institute of the USSR. Leningrad, 1931-1936.

      Edition of the All-Union Arctic Institute of the Chief Directorate of the Northern Sea Route of the Council of People's Commissars of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. It was published in 1931-1936 in Leningrad. The publication ceased in 1937 when the "Problems of the Arctic" magazine was launched instead of it. Frequency: 12 issues per year. The bulletin published the results of scientific expeditions, materials of the latest research on the history of discovery, exploration, and study of the Arctic, materials of the Institute’s general meetings, meetings of the Scientific Council, and literature reviews.

      Presented issues: 1931-1936.

  • Arctica

    The materials of the collection spotlighted the research activity in the Arctic, as well as on the territory of Chukotka.

    • Arctica. Leningrad, 1933-1937.

      Non-periodic collection of the All-Union Arctic Institute. The edition was published in 1933-1937 in Leningrad. Only five books were issued. In 1937, after the publication of Book 5, the publication merged with the Bulletin of the Arctic Institute. "Problems of the Arctic" magazine was launched instead of both editions. Editors: prof. V. Y. Wiese and prof. R. L. Samoilovich. The magazine featured research activities in the Arctic. Materials were published in Russian and foreign languages.

      Presented issues: 1933-1937.