Geographical Location. Physical Geography
Geographical Location. Physical Geography
Journey through the valley of the Ussuri River. T. 1
Maak. Richard Karlovich. 1825-1886. Journey through the valley of the Ussuri River. St. Petersburg: in the printing house V. Bezobrazov and Co., 1861.
T. 1. 1861.
T. 1. 1861.
Journey through the valley of the Ussuri River. T. 2. On the vegetation of the Ussuri country. Additional material for the flora of the Amur Region
Maak. Richard Karlovich. 1825-1886. Journey through the valley of the Ussuri River. St. Petersburg: in the printing house V. Bezobrazov and Co., 1861.
T. 2: On the vegetation of the Ussuri country. Additional material for the flora of the Amur Region. 1861.
T. 2: On the vegetation of the Ussuri country. Additional material for the flora of the Amur Region. 1861.
Geographical and statistical dictionary of the Amur and Primorsky regions, with the inclusion of some points of contiguous countries
Kirillov, Alexander Vasilyevich. Geographical and statistical dictionary of the Amur and Primorye regions, with the inclusion of some points of contiguous countries. Blagoveschensk: type. D.V. Mokin and Co., 1894.
Picturesque Russia. Т. 12, ч. 2. The eastern outskirts of Russia
Picturesque Russia. St. Petersburg: M. Wolf, 1881-1901; Moscow.
Т. 12, ч. 2: The eastern outskirts of Russia. 1895.
Т. 12, ч. 2: The eastern outskirts of Russia. 1895.
Siberian lights. G. 1 of 1922, No. 1 (March / April)
Siberian lights. Novonikolaevsk: Siberian Regional Department of the State Publishing House, 1922-.
G. 1 1922, No. 1 (March / April): G. 1 of 1922, No. 1 (March / April). 1922.
G. 1 1922, No. 1 (March / April): G. 1 of 1922, No. 1 (March / April). 1922.
Новосибирская ГОНБ
Sikhote-Alin: memories / A. Shiryamov
Ussuri Krai, the Sea of Japan, Crafts on the Russian shores of the Sea of Japan. P. 405–460 (scans 417–472)