External migration
External migration
On the change in the conditions for the employment of workers of the Koreans and Chinese in Russia and the admission of the Chinese to the gold mining enterprises in Eastern Siberia
Russia. Council of Ministers
On the changing conditions for the employment of workers of the Koreans and Chinese in Russia and the admission of the Chinese to gold mining enterprises in Eastern Siberia.
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив
On the release of funds for the hiring and transportation of workers in the Chinese and Koreans
Russia. Council of Ministers
On the release of funds for the hiring and transportation of Chinese workers and Koreans. Film of 1917.
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив
Economic activity of Japanese immigrants in the south of the Far East of Russia and the policy of the administration of the Amur region (second half of the XIX - early XX centuries).
Belous, Boris Sergeevich
Economic activity of Japanese immigrants in the south of the Far East of Russia and the policy of the administration of the Amur region (second half of the XIX - early XX centuries).
Vladivostok, 2007.
Vladivostok, 2007.
Koreans of the Far East in the system of interethnic relations of the USSR 1920-1930-ies
Dream, Zhanna Grigoryevna. Koreans of the Far East in the system of interethnic relations of the USSR 1920-1930-ies. Moscow, 2009.
Chinese, Vietnamese and North Korean migration to the south of the Far East of Russia in the 80 - 90s of the XX century
Dudchenko, Herman Borisovich
Chinese, Vietnamese and North Korean migration to the south of the Far East of Russia in the 80 - 90s of the XX century.
Vladivostok, 2004.
Vladivostok, 2004.
State policy on the regulation of Chinese migration in the Far East of Russia 1991-2008.
Semenov, Alexander Borisovich (Candidate of Science). State policy on the regulation of Chinese migration in the Russian Far East 1991-2008 Komsomolsk-on-Amur, 2013.
Immigration control in the southern Far Eastern regions of the Russian Federation
Novikov, Anatoly Nikolayevich
Immigration control in the southern Far Eastern regions of the Russian Federation.
Khabarovsk, 2005.
Khabarovsk, 2005.
External labor migrants in the social structure of the Far Eastern region
Stroeva, Galina Nikolaevna
External labor migrants in the social structure of the Far Eastern region.
Khabarovsk, 2008.
Khabarovsk, 2008.
Interstate migration processes at the present stage of society development
Breslavskaya, Tatiana Sergeevna (candidate of sociological sciences). Interstate migration processes at the present stage of society development. Ulan-Ude, 2009.
БГУ. Сайт
Migration processes in the Russian Far East: the socio-political aspect
Shuvalova, Irina Konstantinovna. Migration processes in the Russian Far East: the socio-political aspect. Vladivostok, 2014.