Commemorative books
Commemorative books
The memorial book of the Transbaikal region .... ... for 1893
The memorial book of the Trans-Baikal region ... Chita: Trans-Baikal Regional Statistical Committee, 1871-1914.
... for the year 1893. 1893.
... for the year 1893. 1893.
Забайкальская КУНБ
A Memorable Book of the Transbaikal Region .... for 1897, Part 1
Memorable book of Transbaikal Region ... Chita: Zabaikal. reg. stat. com., 1871-1914.
for the year 1897, part 1. 1897.
for the year 1897, part 1. 1897.
Иркутская ОГУНБ
Memorable book of the Transbaikal region .... for 1897, part 2
Memorable book of Transbaikal Region ... Chita: Zabaikal. reg. stat. com., 1871-1914.
for the year 1897, part 2. 1897.
for the year 1897, part 2. 1897.
Иркутская ОГУНБ
Memorable book of the Transbaikal region .... for 1898, part 2
Memorable book of the Transbaikal Region .... for 1898, Part 2.
Chita: Zabaikal. reg. stat. com., 1871-1914. 1898.
Chita: Zabaikal. reg. stat. com., 1871-1914. 1898.
Иркутская ОГУНБ
Memorable book of the Transbaikal region .... for 1901
Memorable book of Transbaikal Region ... Chita: Zabaikal. reg. stat. com., 1871-1914. Film for the year 1901. 1901.
Иркутская ОГУНБ