General Description
Description of the Imperial, Moscow's capital city,
St Petersburg: Pecs. at Art. and Ing. gentry. cadet. the body of the type. H. F. Cleane, 1782.
Article by N. M. Karamzin "Notes on Moscow's sights", written for the Empress Maria Feodorovna. Printed in the 9th volume of the Collected Works of N. M. Karamzin
N.M. Karamzin's article "Notes on Moscow's sights", written for Empress Maria Feodorovna. It is printed in the 9th volume of the Collected Works of N. M. Karamzin.
A special review of Moscow with the polytypes of all churches, monasteries and state buildings, compiled according to official topographical information and documents by K. Nyström
Seven-hundredth anniversary of Moscow 1147-1847, or Index of sources of its topography and history for seven centuries
Guide to Moscow and the index of its sights
Moscow: the type. The Vedas. Moscow. mountains. police, 1856.
The whole of Moscow is on the palm of hand
Moscow principality in the first half of the 14th century
Materials for the history of the Muscovite state in the 16th and 17th centuries. Issue. 1. Embassy of John Cobenzel to Moscow in 1575-1576.
Warsaw: Type. Warsaw academic district, 1896-1903. 1896.
- Moscow in its past and present: luxuriously illustrated publication, dedicated to the memory of Moscow historian I. E. Zabelin (1909–1912) [in 12 issues + V. 1 (1st edition)]
Moscow in its past and present. [T. 1]. From the Editorial Board
Moscow in its past and present. Moscow: Education, [1909] - [1912].
[T. 1]: From the Editor. [1909].Geological past and geographical present of Moscow / D. N. Anuchin ; Prehistoric past of Moscow / D. N. Anuchin ; Tales about the origins of Moscow / D. I. Uspensky ; The Rise of Moscow / M. K. Lyubavsky ; Moscow City and Moscow People in the XIV-XV c. / S. A. Knyazkov
Moscow in its past and present. [Issue] 1, part 1
Moscow in its past and present. [Issue] 1, Part 1. Moscow: Education, [1909] - [1912]. [1909].Geological past and geographical present of Moscow / prof. D. N. Anuchin. Prehistoric past of Moscow / prof. D. N. Anuchin. Tales about the origins of Moscow / D. I. Uspensky. The Rise of Moscow / prof. M. K. Lyubavsky. Moscow City and Moscow People in the XIV-XV c. / S. A. Knyazkov
Moscow in its past and present. [Issue] 2, part 1
Moscow in its past and present. [Issue] 2, Part 1. Moscow: Education, [1909] - [1912]. [1909].Foreign policy and growth of the territory of the Moscow State in the XVI century / V. I. Picheta. Moscow humanists and obscurants / prof. V. M. Dovnar-Zapolsky. The troubles of the early XVII century and its Moscow reflections / P. G. Vasenko. Moscow Zemsky Sobors / prof. S. F. Platonov
Moscow in its past and present. [Issue. 3]
Moscow in its past and present. [Issue. 3].
Moscow: Education, [1909] - [1912]. [1910].General view and external growth of Moscow in the XVI-XVII centuries / V. V. Nechayev. Suburbs of the pre-Peter Moscow
Moscow in its past and present. [Issue] 4, part 2
Moscow in its past and present. Moscow: Education, [1909] - [1912].
[Issue] 4, Part 2. [1910].Civil architecture of old Moscow / A. P. Novitsky. Inozemskaya sloboda in Moscow in the XVI and XVII c. / V. V. Nechayev. Ideological movements in old Moscow (until the end of the XVII c.) / prof. M. N. Speransky. The troops in Moscow in the XVI and XVII c. / S. K. Bogoyavlensky. Low classes in the Moscow State in the XVI and XVII c. / V. Y. Ulanov. The home life of Moscow patriarchs / V. I. Picheta
Moscow in its past and present. [Issue. 5]
Moscow in its past and present. [Issue. 5].
Moscow: Education, [1909] - [1912]. [1910].Lifestyle of Moscow tzars and tzaritsas / V. I. Picheta. Boyar lifestyle in the XVII century / V. I. Picheta. Moscow clergy in the XVI-XVII c. / V. Y. Ulanov. Moscow and old beliefs / S. P. Melgunov. Moscow icon painting / prof. V. N. Shchepkin
Moscow in its past and present. [Issue. 6]
Moscow in its past and present. [Issue. 6].
Moscow: Education, [1909] - [1912]. [1910].Trade and industry of Moscow in the XVI-XVII c. / prof. M. V. Dovnar-Zapolsky. Western influence in the Moscow State in the XVI-XVII c. / V. Y. Ulanov. Theatre during the reign of Tzar Aleksey Mikhaylovich / S. K. Bogoyavlensky. Book printing in Moscow in the XVI-XVII c. / V. Y. Ulanov. Moscow troubles in the XVII c. / S. K. Bogoyavlensky
Moscow in its past and present. [T. 7]
Moscow in its past and present. [T. 7].
Moscow: Education, [1909] - [1912]. [1911].General view of Moscow in the XVIII century / V. V. Nechayev. Moscow during the reign of Peter the Great / M. V. Klochkov. Moscow school of the Peter’s era / M. A. Golubtsova. Moscow and Peter the Great / V. Y. Ulanov. Theatre and public entertainment in Moscow in the XVIII century / S. K. Shambinago. Peter II, Anna Ivanovna and Elizabeth in Moscow / V. V. Nechayev
Moscow in its past and present. [Issue. 8]
Moscow in its past and present. [Issue. 8].
Moscow: Education, [1909] - [1912]. [1911].Moscow school of the Catherine’s era / M. A. Golubtsova. Lifestyle of the noble Moscow in the late XVIII – early XIX centuries / S. A. Knyzkov. Architecture of Moscow of the XVIII – early XIX c. / I. V. Bondarenko. Moscow Cemeteries. / Y. Shamurin
Moscow in its past and present. [Issue. 9]
Moscow in its past and present. [Issue. 9].
Moscow: Education, [1909] - [1912]. [1911].Pre-fire Moscow and Podmoskovye / Y. I. Shamurin. Moscow in 1812 / F. G. Muskatblit
Moscow in its past and present. [Issue. 10]
Moscow in its past and present. [Issue. 10].
Moscow: Education, [1909] - [1912]. [1911].From the publisher / G. Balitsky. View of Moscow of the middle XIX century. Great graves / Z. I. Shamurina
Moscow in its past and present. Issue. eleven
Moscow in its past and present. Issue. 11. Moscow: Education, [1909] - [1912]. [1912].Moscow in 1850-1910 / G. Vasilich. Moscow theaters in the XIX century / Z. Shamurina. Music in Moscow / E. I. Kazansky. Artistic life of Moscow in the XIX century / Y. I. Shamurin. Architecture of Moscow / Y. I. Shamurin
Moscow in its past and present. Issue. 12
Moscow in its past and present. Issue. 12. M .: Type. Russian tv, [191-?]. [1912]. - Address-calendars
Address-calendar of Moscow residents for 1846
Nystrim, Karl Mikhailovich. Address-calendar of Moscow residents for 1846. Moscow: type. S. Selivanovsky, 1846.All of Moscow. for the year 1903
All of Moscow. Moscow: Suvorin "New time", 1875-1925.
for the year 1903. 1903. - Reference books
All Moscow
All Moscow.Moscow: University.Publishing house, 1922.
1800. 18 p.