Sudzhinskoe prehistoric cemetery in the Ilmovaya Padi of the Troitskosavsky district of the Transbaikal region
Tal'ko-Gryncevich, Julian Dominikovich (1850-1936).
Sudzhinskoe prehistoric cemetery in the Ilmova Padi of the Troitskosavsky district of the Transbaikal region.
Moscow: The Association of the Printing House AI Mamontov, 1899.
Moscow: The Association of the Printing House AI Mamontov, 1899.
НБ Респ. Бурятия
Materials to paleoethology of Transbaikalia
Tal'ko-Gryncevich, Julian Dominikovich (1850-1936).
Materials to the paleoethnology of Transbaikalia.
Tomsk: Steam typo-lithography of PI Makushin, 1897.
Tomsk: Steam typo-lithography of PI Makushin, 1897.
НБ Респ. Бурятия
Marriage ceremonies and customs of Transbaikalian Buryats
Krol, Moses Aronovich (1862-). Marriage ceremonies and customs in Transbaikalian Buryats. Irkutsk: type. K.I. Witkowska, 1894.
The marriage law of the foreigners of the Selenga District
Krol, Moses Aronovich (1862-).
The marriage law of the foreigners of the Selenga district.
Irkutsk: Tipo-lit. PI Makushina, 1895.
Irkutsk: Tipo-lit. PI Makushina, 1895.
To study folk children's games from the Buryats
Vinogradov, Georgiy Semenovich (1886-1945).
To the study of folk children's games at the Buryat.
Irkutsk: State. publishing house, 1922.
Irkutsk: State. publishing house, 1922.
Gender relations in the traditional culture of the Buryats
Zamuraeva Pauline Bairovna.Gender relations in the traditional culture of the Buryats.Ulan-Ude, 2015.
Works of folk literature Buryat. Samples of folk literature of the Mongolian tribes. Texts. T. I. Vyp. II. Epic works of Ehirit-Bulat / Ц.Ж. Jamtsarano
Works of folk literature Buryat. Samples of folk literature of the Mongolian tribes. Texts. T. I. Vyp. II. Epic works of Ehirit-Bulat / Ц.Ж. Jamtsarano. 1931.
НБ Респ. Бурятия
Issues of cultural and national construction of Buryatia
Erbanov, Mikhei Nikolaevich (1889-1937). Issues of cultural and national construction of Buryatia. Verkhneudinsk: edition of the Buryat of the CPSU (B.), 1926.
Cultural symbols formation of Soviet man 1920s-1930s.: On materials of Buryatia
Hamsters, Sergey.Cultural symbols formation of Soviet man 1920s-1930s.: On materials of Buryatia.Ulan-Ude, 2015.
Creativity of the Siberian storyteller E. I. Sorokovikova-Magay
Matveeva, Rufina Prokopyevna (Dr. Filol. Sciences).Creativity of the Siberian storyteller E. I. Sorokovikova-Magay.Novosibirsk: Publishing House "Science", Siberian separation, 1976.
NB Rep.Buryatia