Selected populated areas
Selected populated areas
List of populated areas of the Transbaikal region
List of the occupied places of Transbaikal region. [Chita]: printing house of the Transbaikal regional government, 1903.
Забайкальская КУНБ
List of settlements of the Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic. Issue. 1
List of settlements of the Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic. Issue. 1. Verkhneudinsk: Burstatupravlenie, 1925. 1925.
НБ Респ. Бурятия
On the celebration of the 350th anniversary of the foundation of Ulan-Ude
Russian Federation. President (2012-; V.V. Putin). On the celebration of the 350th anniversary of the foundation of Ulan-Ude. Moscow, 2012.
Information about Verkhneudinsky and Seleginsky Uezds (currently Ivolginsky, Tarbagataisky and Selenginsky Districts of Republic of Buryatia) presented