Population (demography, migration)
Population (demography, migration)
Mountain Altai and its population. T. 1. Nomads of the Biysk Uyezd
Mountain Altai and its population. Т. 1: Nomads of the Biysk Uyezd. Issue. 1. Barnaul: Typo-lit. Ch. Exercise. Alt. okr., 1900-1903. 1900.
Mountain Altai and its population. T. 1. Nomads of the Altai Mountains
Mountain Altai and its population. Nomads of the Altai Mountains. Issue. 2, Non-agricultural fisheries of nomads of Biysk Uyezd.
Barnaul: Tipo-lit. Ch. Exercise. Alt. District, 1900-. 1903.
Barnaul: Tipo-lit. Ch. Exercise. Alt. District, 1900-. 1903.
Алтайская КУНБ
Mountain Altai and its population. T. 2. Economic tables
Mountain Altai and its population. T. 2: Economic tables.
Barnaul: Tipo-lit. Ch. Exercise. Alt. okr., 1900-1903. 1901.
Barnaul: Tipo-lit. Ch. Exercise. Alt. okr., 1900-1903. 1901.
Mountain Altai and its population. T. 3. Resettlement settlements, formed in 1878
Mountain Altai and its population. T. 3: Settlement settlements, formed in 1878. Issue. 1. Barnaul: Typo-lit. Ch. Exercise. Alt. okr., 1900-1903. 1900.
Mountain Altai and its population. Vol. 3, no. 2. Settling aliens of Biysk Uyezd
Mountain Altai and its population. Barnaul: Tipo-lit. Ch. Exercise. Alt. District, 1900-.
T. 3, issue. 2: Settling aliens of the Biysk uyezd. 1902.
T. 3, issue. 2: Settling aliens of the Biysk uyezd. 1902.
Алтайская КУНБ
Mountain Altai and its population. Vol. 3, no. 3. The lords of the Altai Mountains
Mountain Altai and its population. The lords of the Altai Mountains.
Barnaul: Tipo-lit. Ch. Exercise. Alt. District, 1900-. 1902.
Barnaul: Tipo-lit. Ch. Exercise. Alt. District, 1900-. 1902.
Алтайская КУНБ
Mountain Altai and its population. Vol. 3, no. 4. Nomads of the Biysk uyezd. Kumandy
Mountain Altai and its population. Nomads of the Biysk uyezd. The Kumandy. Part 1, Economic tables.
Barnaul: Tipo-lit. Ch. Exercise. Alt. District, 1900-. 1903.
Barnaul: Tipo-lit. Ch. Exercise. Alt. District, 1900-. 1903.
Алтайская КУНБ
Mountain Altai and its population. 4. Non-residents of the Kuznetsk Uyezd
Mountain Altai and its population. Vol. 4: Foreigners of the Kuznetsk district. Issue. 3. Economic tables of the Nizhne-Tomsk district of the Kuznetsk district.
Barnaul: Tipo-lit. Ch. Exercise. Alt. okr., 1900-1903. 1903.
Barnaul: Tipo-lit. Ch. Exercise. Alt. okr., 1900-1903. 1903.
Mountain Altai and its population. T. 6 [T. 4]. Black people of Kuznetsk Uyezd
Mountain Altai and its population. Black people of Kuznetsky Uyezd. Issue. 1, Economic tables.
Barnaul: Tipo-lit. Ch. Exercise. Alt. District, 1900-. 1903.
Barnaul: Tipo-lit. Ch. Exercise. Alt. District, 1900-. 1903.
Алтайская КУНБ
- Censuses
The first general census of the population of the Russian Empire in 1897. 79. Tomsk Province
First General Census of the Russian Empire in 1897. 79: Tomsk Province.
[St. Petersburg]: publication of the Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1899-1905. 1904.Altai collection. T. 2. The city of Barnaul according to the census on March 26, 1895
Altai collection. Tomsk, 1894-1930,1991-.
Shvetsov, Sergey Porfirievich (economist, statistician, public figure, 1858-1930). T. 2: The city of Barnaul according to the census on March 26, 1895. Barnaul: lithographic typography at the Main Directorate of the Altai District, 1898.
In the late 19th century, the lands of the modern Altai Territory were part of Tomsk Governorate. See the materials on the cities of Barnaul and Biysk, on the Barnaul and Biysk Districts