Biographical Materials
Biographical Materials
The formulary list, compiled in 1851, about the service of the secret adviser VA Zhukovsky, attached to the Ministry of Public Education, with a record of his participation in the Moscow militia in 1812.
A formulary list compiled in 1851 about the service of the secret adviser VA Zhukovsky, attached to the Ministry of Public Education, with a record of his participation in the Moscow militia in 1812.
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив
About the life and works of Vasily Andreyevich Zhukovsky
Pletnev, Peter Alexandrovich (1792-1865).About the life and works of Vasily Andreyevich Zhukovsky / [composition] P. A. Pletnev.-St. Petersburg: printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1853.
Essay on life and poetry V.A.Zhukovsky
Grott, Ya.K. Oach Life and Poetry V.A.Zhukovsky.[St. Petersburg]: Type.Ministry of the Interior, [1883].
Samara OUNB
Life and poetry of V. A. Zhukovsky.1783-1852
Zeydlitz, Karl Karlovich (1798-1885).Life and poetry of V. A. Zhukovsky.1783-1852.St. Petersburg: Edition of the editorial office of "Bulletin of Europe", 1883.
V.A.Zhukovsky and his works
Polivanov, Lev Ivanovich (1838-1899).V.A.Zhukovsky and his works.Moscow: ed.Lion Polivanova, 1883.
V.A. Zhukovsky
Ogarkov, VVV.A. Zhukovsky. St. Petersburg: Type. the highest utl. t-va "Public benefit", 1894.
Historical and literary essays
Maikov, Leonid Nikolaevich (1839-1900). Historical and literary essays. St. Petersburg: edition by L.F. Panteleev, 1895.
V.A. Zhukovsky in Derpt
Petukhov, Evgeny Vyacheslavovich (historian of literature; 1863-1948).V.A. Zhukovsky in Dorpt.St. Petersburg: printing house of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1897.
Samara OUNB
Corifers of the Russian word.Ext.4. Zhukovsky
Прилуко-Прилуцкий. Н. Г.19 в.Корифеи русского слова. С.-Петербург: книгоиздательское товарищество "Орос", [1911-1912]; Варшава.
Вып. 4: Жуковский. [1911].
Вып. 4: Жуковский. [1911].
Red flag.1965, No. 130
PB named afterB.N.Yeltsin
V.A.Zhukovsky before the court of "envious centuries"
Yatsimirsky, A.I.V.A.Zhukovsky before the court of "envious centuries."[B.m .: B. and., 19--].
Samara OUNB
- Diaries
Diaries of V.A.Zhukovsky
Zhukovsky, V.A. Devtniki V.A.Zhukovsky.St. Petersburg: Type.T-va "Public benefits", 1903. - Correspondence
Letters from VA Zhukovsky to his Imperial Highness Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich
Zhukovsky, Vasily Andreevich (1783-1852). Letters from VA Zhukovsky to his Imperial Highness Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich.
Moscow: the type. T. Rees, 1867.From the letters of Chancellor Friedrich von Muller to V.A.Zhukovsky
Veselovsky, A.N. from the letters of Chancellor Friedrich von Muller to V.A.Zhukovsky.St. Petersburg: Type.Imp.Acad.Sciences, 1904.From the correspondence of A.P. Umbrella with V. A. Zhukovsky
From the correspondence of A.P. Sontag with V.A. Zhukovsky / K.Ya. Grot. - St. Petersburg: Electro-printing. N. Ya. Stoikova, 1901.Poet and king, or the story of one friendship
Poet and king, or the story of one friendship.St. Petersburg: Type.Sirius, 1913. - Portraits
V.A. Zhukovsky.Litography T. Wrhigt (Thomas Wrhigt)
V.A. Zhukovsky.Litography T. Writ (Thomas Wrhigt).V.A. Zhukovsky.Photocopy (retouched) with a drawn portrait
V.A. Zhukovsky.Photocopy (retouched) with a drawn portrait.
Zhukovsky. P. 51-68 (scans 59-76)